Jul 21

Story Worldwide is a post-advertising agency. In essence, we believe that advertising-as-interruption is over. We connect brands to customers by telling engaging and entertaining stories that audiences actually want to hear.

This film explains our philosophy in 90 seconds.

Too lazy to watch a film? Read the script:


This seems obvious, even though it was controversial until recently: Brand is story.

First, you have to find the core story at the heart of your brand —what we call the Story Platform. Create narratives based on it and publish those narratives across all relevant media in weird and wonderful ways.

As each story is published, it needs to be syndicated and shared with it’s intended audience where they are most likely to encounter those stories. Then use paid media —— TV spots,events, paid search and so on — to let people know your content is out there.

The content has to be easy for people to share so everyone can help spread the brand’s stories.
To make sure your audience can find your content when searching, make sure everything is tagged and optimized appropriately.
So it goes, round and round, driving results and effectiveness up, up, up while driving media spend down, down, down.

The best part comes next: Sustained by the brand’s storytelling, the brand’s fans add, syndicate and share their own content —— comments, links, ratings, and entirely new versions —— and all this brand-inspired content —— whether new stories or conversation about old ones —— creates more marketing momentum for free, forever.
The result of rigorously following this path is a permanent market advantage for the brand——lower total cost of marketing; higher impact.
All you need is to make sure you’ve got your story straight.


Duration : 0:1:19

[youtube 4NyXzir2yKg]

2 Responses to “The Future of Advertising”

  1. StoryWorldwide Says:

    @mirabeau1789y …
    @mirabeau1789y Thanks!

  2. mirabeau1789y Says:

    very very cool: …
    very very cool: short, clear and right!!!

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