Join Oneupweb’s Client Services Representative, Luke Mason and Director of Client Services, Duncan White, as they take you on a journey through pay per click advertising within social media.
The first thing Duncan and Luke will bring to your attention is that despite the fact that Google practically invented pay per click advertising with Adwords, they by no means have the exclusive claim of it. The ever changing search landscape delivers a fast evolving mix of options available in paid search.
Luke and Duncan will show you how effective paid search channels need to strike a balance between reach, efficiency and targeting. They’ll show you how to strike this balance within social media and beyond. They’ll discuss LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, advanced search engine tactics and more.
This presentation is meant for B2B’s and B2C’s alike. When it’s over, you’ll be ready to traverse the social media PPC terrain with confidence.
Duration : 0:32:19
[youtube GtGLA0d9BPY]