Jun 15





10 new results for search =


A Private Search Engine’s =
Prism Boost Isn’t Quite Its Breakout Moment

BusinessweekThe exposure of the U.S. government’s Prism spying program has been a =
boon for DuckDuckGo, which VentureBeat describes as “the foremost =
search engine for those concerned about not just snooping by the =
government but Google as well.” The service 
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White-colored Hat Insurer Search =
marketing Methodologies

Mobile Web =

Ideally the insurance agency is now knowledgeable =
about conditions just like insurance company Search engine =
marketing, insurance carrier search engine marketing or insurance =
provider website marketing, the task in which agents make an effort to =
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Content Creation – For Humans or Search =

Search Engine =

Change is the only constant, and it sometimes =
is out of our control to judge the ever-changing world of search =
optimization. The message is loud and clear. Search =
are constantly updating the algorithms, and the SEO gurus =
have something
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topic »

DuckDuckGo, The PRISM-Proof Search =
That the NSA Just Can’t Track

SiliconANGLE =

Take the case of DuckDuckGo for example, the =
private search engine that has just reported record breaking =
levels of traffic since the NSAgate scandal erupted. This week, it =
recorded 2.25 million direct searches – a massive 26% increase =
over the week
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How to Prepare For Google’s Summer Algorithm =

Search Engine =

On Monday, May 13, 2013, Matt Cutts released a =
very interesting video to the Google Webmaster Help YouTube channel. The =
video, titled What should we expect in the next few months in terms of =
SEO for Google?, covered a lot of ground, including =
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this topic »

Search =
: Pigeons, Porsches and =
drag racing

Red Bull =

A Chinese businessman recently paid =
$400,000 for a well-known Belgian racing pigeon. Yes, you read that =
right – $400,000 for a sprightly winged rat. It goes without =
saying that there are much, much better things you could spend your =
money on, racecars 
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Baidu Sues Qihoo 360 In China =
For Search Engine Sitemap Format Plagiarism

The Chinese search engine says that with the original and =
innovative Baidu Zhanzhang platform help documentation and Baidu sitemap =
tool help documentation, the company aimed to help third-party website =
operators create and submit statistics to Baidu’s 
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Spurred By PRISM Scandal, StartPage & =
Ixquick Surpass 3 Million Daily Searches

Search Engine =

startpage-ixquick-200px Alternative search =
are having a good week, likely thanks to public awareness =
and concern over data and privacy issues being raised by the PRISM =
scandal. StartPage and Ixquick, two small search engines from the =
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topic »

DuckDuckGo founder explains why Google =
tracks you and his search engine

With =
the recent revelation about PRISM and how much data is shared with the =
government, it has brought into focus just how many websites and =
services track what we do on the Internet. One of the biggest companies =
to do this is Google, and the more of
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Search Engine Optimization Tips for Local Businesses: Don’t =
Forget the Bing

DigitalJournal.com (press =

For many local search marketing =
campaigns, all of the attention is given to Google. While this makes a =
lot of sense with most local searches still going through Google, =
Bing is coming on strong. Already, Bing is increasingly integrated with =
Windows 8.
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2 =
new results for search =


Trends and Techniques for Digital Marketers =
and Data Geeks #SESTO
By Jennifer Slegg
Technology is changing the way users are =
searching and interacting with technology. Bing Ads Evangelist =
John Gagnon shares some unique patterns, strategies and techniques that =
can help you interpret big data to make smarter =
Search Engine =
Watch – Latest

Google Image =
Search Adds Related Image Carousel

By barry@rustybrick.com (Barry =

Google announced on =
Google+ that they have added a new way to explore related searches =
within image search through an image carousel… Schwartz =
· twitter · Google+ | Filed Under Google Search =
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Search Engine =


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minus sign (-) in front of terms in your query that you want to exclude. =
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