May 10

I have just launched a new website and I have a question about how the keywords work. In the near future I will be contracting a professional SEO company to take care of these matters but in the meantime I have $175 worth of Google Adwords credits that I would like to get started with. Mostly because I want to familiarize myself with some useful techniques to take care of this on my own in the future and save some money. And I would rather make a mistake with these credits than my own money.

I’ve started a campaign and at first it was running ok but within a few hours they all stopped appearing on the search results with my specified keywords.

A little about my website, I’ve created a local auction site where people can post legitimate live auctions within their communities for cash deals and local pick up or delivery. Its free with no insertion or final value fee’s. I believe this is the safest way to go. If anyone reading this has ever browsed Kijiji than you would have a better idea of how things work. What separates my site from kijiji is that its an auction platform rather than classified. We use similar elements in regard posting within your community, meeting seller and only using cash.

I have researched many keywords such as kijiji toronto, kijiji oshawa and the results showed that the competition was very low and the CPC avg was extremely low. The search’s per month on these keywords were very high, so I decided to use about 20 similar keywords and some without the use of kijiji. I figure that people who are interested in posting classifieds might also be interested in posting free auction listings. Most of my ads have my domain than the city, an example would be, mydomain toronto; mydomain ottawa; mydomain alberta etc… So there are exact matches with keywords within my title and my keywords and when I check the keyword analysis tool its telling me that my ads are not displaying and most of them are scoring 4/10 or lower. 3 are showing and are 5/10 but they do not have reference to kijiji.

Is there a way to work these keywords into my ads? They are very relevant to my website and I have set my max CPC value much higher than the highest bid being $0.24. Why are my ads not displaying? Do I need to have both Kijiji and the region within my ad?

Please contact me at if you need more details. I don’t want to spam my site on yahoo so I have chosen not to display the link. Thanks for any info you can give.

you need positive keyword, anything that if people google will have you website popup, you can get outbid by other companies as well, "auction" is a key word, "cash", "pickup" etc. Itwill cost you so don’t waste the hits yourself? You want to restrict it to Google Canada otherwise local papers and flyers are cheaper?

May 07

Since keywords are such an integral part of SEO, Wil Reynolds demonstrates valuable keyword tools at Affiliate Summit. Also explained are how to use various tools in your keyword research and analysis projects.

Duration : 0:9:59

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May 07


I’m looking for a free keyword search tool that will tell me relative information when searching specific keywords. Something that will display the term search volume as well as the keyword competition or something? I’m only now learning the importance of keyword research and it’s affect on quality traffic.

I’m also looking for a backlink analysis tool in which I can plunk in a url and see what sites are linking to it. If you have any other recommendations/tools that you think are great please do let me know.

Thank you

You can use google adwords for your keyword tool, it helps you find the right keywords with additional info on the number of searches per month. Once you have your keywords set up, you will need a keyword ranking tool to track all of your keyword’s position in google. The seo software I use if called SEO COCKPIT. It gives me all the info on my rank, backlinks, pages indexed, etc. You can try it for free, check it out here.

Hope that helps! 🙂

May 07

My task is: COMPETITIVE ANALYSIS: Create a list of 50 competitors in this market
based on the Google AdWords advertisers for the top keywords — take 5
companies (unique web sites) from each of the Top 10 keyword phrases
by volume (without duplicates.) -I’m done with this. My problem is this one:

Include a breakdown of the products each are selling and the prices.

Is there an easier way to collect them? Or is it applicable using Market Samurai? Thanks

i think it would be better if you do everything manually because with these type of tools you will not get Organic results, for better results you can search for any SEO company or expert who can do this according to your requirement….let me know if you want me to explain you more then that…

May 04

It is time Put an End To long winded Keyword Research and Analysis. Such as meta keyword analysis and seo keyword analysis simply use This Secret Ninja Magic!

Duration : 0:4:5

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Apr 27

hi friends i m following bellow work flow for my work is there any suggestions for me?
On-Page Optimization Services – will increase website’s usability…

Content Optimization services
Keyword Research and analysis services
Meta-Tags writing services
Link Navigation
ALT Tags
Site maps creation both HTML and XML

Off-Page Optimization services – is the way to get back links and inbound links. As well as Keyword Rankings.

Search Engine Submissions services
Manual Directory Submissions services
Article Submission services
Press Release Submission services
Link Building services (One-Way Linking, Two-Way Linking(reciprocal), Three-Way Linking
Participation’s in Forums and Google Group discussions
Important News, Classifieds, Yellow Pages Submission services
Social networking and bookmarking services

if i am missing anything in this flow ?

Here is a Basic SEO Workflow that works

1. Initial project planning: Meet with an SEO expert. Pay them for their time. Have them map out when and how the SEO team should be involved in development.
2. Information architecture: Before you create your new site map, pick your keywords and verify that they matter. Organize your keywords into topics. Be sure your architecture reflects this. Remember, this isn’t just how search engines see your site. It’s how people look for you, too.
3. Tools selection: If you’re using a shopping cart, content management system or something else, make sure they support SEO. And no, I don’t mean "SEO friendly URLs" or other trite sales speak you’ll hear. I mean that these tools support unique title tags, correct semantic markup and won’t turn your web site into a pile of search-repellent spaghetti.
4. Content: Let the expert help you structure and write great copy that’ll also get the search engines’ attention.
5. Design: As your creative team gets to work, get your SEO expert to have a glance at the design. You don’t want to take, say, headings and turn them into graphical text. The SEO can work with the designers and help them find the best balance. She may know a thing or two about image replacement and other tricks that can help create a beautiful, search-friendly site, too.
6. Mockup: Sooo many companies ignore this. Have a truly great XHTML coder create templates for each unique page layout on your site. Then have your expert review for potential issues. This will make your developers’ lives much, much easier, because they won’t have to become HTML producers.
7. Development: Make sure the SEO team has access to the site-in-progress. They’ll watch for alarm bells like uneditable title tags, straying from the mockup or hacked-up code.
8. Pre-launch: The SEO expert can use whatever tools they have to ‘crawl’ your site, checking for busted links, search engine roadblocks, etc..
9. Pre-launch, 2: The expert will give you a set of 301 redirects to set up, so that critical link authority isn’t lost.
10. Launch: The SEO expert will join you in biting collective fingernails.
11. Post launch: Now the expert will start working on the stuff most people consider ‘search engine optimization’ – link building, tracking metrics, content optimization, strategy, etc..

Hope this helps.


Jan 14

SEO key word reasearch is obviously vital for getting good traffic. there is an abundance of information and personal opinions around. i am looking for a definitive guide to help me and my staff to focus and use some of the best techniques for SEO work as well as to understand how the research should be carried out. I am looking to explain competition results to my customers and how to do this analysis.
does anyone have a really good comprehensive course?

You will only get to a level playing field with a so called "Guide to SEO"

The basics of SEO can be found easily by searching for something like "basics of seo" on Google and by reading some of the top SEO forums like or

The problem with SEO is there are basic points that you should do that get you to a level playing field with say about 500 to 1000 other competitiors for a set of phrases.

Only about 30 of those 500 to 1000 can really get any visibility. So what is the value of being the 100 position in a search engine … None.

You need out of the box thinking and solutions to get you to the top of the 500 to 1000 people already doing basic seo.

You need to go ahead and get going on the basics but don’t expect to find yourself in the top of the search engines cause you changed your title tag and put a link or two in some directory.


Dec 17

Google-Bing-Yahoo the top search engines where your business needs to be today. For small local business owners, Search Engine Optimization and search engine marketing presents an amazing and cost-effective opportunity to drive traffic, leads and sales online from the inside of business out to the world. But given that most small business owners are not a search marketing experts, they can make some critical errors when it comes to small business SEO.

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