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How can I measure social media marketing ROI?

Posted on | June 9, 2011 | 3 Comments

Im trying to convince my boss that we need it however he wants to be able to track performance/sales generated. How can I sell him on it? lol

Good luck with that. You could use some kind of promo code you only use through social media, and record all the sales made with that, or you could ask every customer how they heard about you, and if people start saying "from facebook" or "from twitter" you are going to look good. If you are selling online, it is easier to measure as you can use analytics to view where your traffic comes from and which traffic converts into sales or enquiries.


3 Responses to “How can I measure social media marketing ROI?”

  1. arif
    June 9th, 2011 @ 1:30 pm
  2. Jane E
    June 9th, 2011 @ 2:01 pm

    Good luck with that. You could use some kind of promo code you only use through social media, and record all the sales made with that, or you could ask every customer how they heard about you, and if people start saying "from facebook" or "from twitter" you are going to look good. If you are selling online, it is easier to measure as you can use analytics to view where your traffic comes from and which traffic converts into sales or enquiries.
    References :

  3. Justin Walsh
    June 9th, 2011 @ 2:39 pm

    I would use a combination of Google Analytics for tracking and Today Pulse for engaging.
    References :

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