May 15
As the title says. For example if Nike would link build to Adidas (ignore the reasons why for now), would it be frowned upon in the SEO realm?
It could only benefit the site you are linking to.
It might associate your site with the site you are linking to but the results of this association may be questionable to the value.
May 15th, 2011 at 5:26 pm
It could only benefit the site you are linking to.
It might associate your site with the site you are linking to but the results of this association may be questionable to the value.
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May 15th, 2011 at 5:56 pm
No it won’t be black hat seo but indexing your site in a database of search engine could be a problem here. Black hat seo is something that is absolutely irrelevant and opposite settings to what your site provides i.e your setting of keywords are in name of god and your site is about monsters. Exactly opposite. People who do this just want to bring their site on 1st position with the name of others, but this won’t long because search engine will penalize such site.
See if you do the link building to a different brand let’s say you’re building links for your site ‘A’ but to a different name ‘B’ then here ‘B’ site will be benefited because they will have more keywords all around the internet, more keyword search and less competition, so the site ‘B’ will become stronger in position. So indirectly you will be helping site ‘B’.
Now I am not getting why you want to do so, if you’re trying to hype your site by taking other site/brand name then hold on for a moment and see what search engines has to say. According to their rules if you submit your site in any off page submissions technique with some other name then other site chances will increase to show up visibility and most important is that it will be problematic for your site to be indexed in search engine, because they won’t consider this as it will be against their rule and a matter of irrelevancy. However, if at all you achieve rankings by chance in serp but it won’t be for a long.
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May 15th, 2011 at 6:28 pm
No. actually, getting links from websites similar to your own can be very powerful
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