May 27

I am an SEM professional and need to get some employees up to speed on SEM, but don’t have the time to conduct a training session. I’d like to give them something to read to learn the basics before we dive into strategy and tactics.

SearchEngineWatch is a search engine resource site that has been around since the industry became an industry. The link below goes to a list of diverse information, covering the essentials of search engine submission, tips on the biggest search sites, optimization techniques, etc. I used this site in 1997 to increase traffic for a Samsung site by 1000% in a month.

The advice is regularly updated as search engines change their algorithms so I’m sure it’s just as relevant today as it was back then.

6 Responses to “where can i find a "how to" lesson on search engine marketing?”

  1. dbol83 Says:

    Are you talking seo, i think the best material i have read about seo and search engine marketing is probably for free stuff and actually here for 49 bucks…
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  2. Joe D Says:

    Google and Yahoo both have rich resources to help you get up to speed. There are also several internet sources. O’Reilly has a number of publications that are great.
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  3. scizzy Says:

    chk out yahoo search marketing – good stuff!
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  4. hollylitespeed Says:

    SearchEngineWatch is a search engine resource site that has been around since the industry became an industry. The link below goes to a list of diverse information, covering the essentials of search engine submission, tips on the biggest search sites, optimization techniques, etc. I used this site in 1997 to increase traffic for a Samsung site by 1000% in a month.

    The advice is regularly updated as search engines change their algorithms so I’m sure it’s just as relevant today as it was back then.
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  5. ce Says:

    ^ ^ Yes, Search Engine Watch is a good place to start.
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  6. richard y Says:

    See this website. It is for a program called web ceo. It explains how search engines work and how to get your site recognized and increase your ranking by them. I just got on Google by using it.

    It is free to download and even if you don’t upgrade it has tons of useful info!

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