Aug 17

Since the panda 2.2 update does anyone know of a good type of link building?

Article, blog and forum is best type of link building since panda 2.2

9 Responses to “what the best type of link building in seo?”

  1. Patience Smith Says:

    Article marketing can be a very good source for link building, try it
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  2. Jake Birdem Says:

    I understand that Panda is actually a supplemental filter they run every 4 or 5 weeks.

    Most SEO techniques still work the same, it happens that article marketing is one of the techniques most effected by Panda, many article directories have taken a big ranking hit. In general low quality and unoriginal content are most effected by Panda.
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  3. Des Tucker Says:

    Personally, I would use a mix of link building strategies. Article submissions are one way to go, but don’t put all your eggs in one basket. You want to rank for your keywords, so yes do a couple article submissions, I recommend which has DoFollow links, but don’t go overboard. There’s nothing like the kick in the butt you get when the article submission site is ranking for your keywords because of your article lol.
    I suggest you use several methods:
    1. Post comments in blogs that are relevant to your industry. ( Only comment if you have something useful to add that will improve the quality of the site you’re on.)
    2. Look for .edu and .gov forums and blogs that are covering relevant topics to your industry and post on these if you have quality insight to share.
    3. Request to guest blog on other websites in your industry in exchange for a link-back to your website.
    4. Register with DoFollow directories.
    5. Create your own blog and remember to create social bookmarks to your new posts.

    There are many more ways to get great quality links. Go for a natural balance of perhaps 1/3 NoFollow links to 2/3 DoFollow. For more information, check out this related post on my blog

    Stick with it and you’ll do great! Good luck 8)
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  4. Janeth D Says:

    You can create an account with Squidoo, use your site name or main keyword for your profile name and then create a lens and stick an article on it. You can create a really good article, link it back to your site and get traffic from both Squidoo and the search engines.

    You can do the same thing with HubPages. You can get one link back to your site for every article you write. And you can links from your articles to internal pages so you are able to rank the internal pages on your site as well as the home page.

    You can create a WordPress hosted blog on WordPress. Again, use your site name or one of your keywords as the URL. Then place one of your articles on this site along with a link back to a page on your main site.

    You can then move on to Blogger. A blog entry doesn’t have to be a full article, it can be a one liner about a product or service your or someone else is offering.

    Now that you’ve got Blogger set up you can move on to Wetpaint.

    You can set up and get links from sites like:

    Once you get your articles online and set up you can use Pingoat, autopinger, or pingomatic. Just pick one and go there and enter the RSS feeds from your above blogs, hubs, lenses and other things that you’ve just created.

    Then do some blog commenting, linking Back to your articles.

    All blog comments need to be relevant to the article you are commenting about, no trash comments. Spend a couple hours doing blog commenting and then do some social bookmarking.

    Start with Digg and sign up and bookmark a couple of your blogs, post, articles and everything else you’ve just put online.

    Use your logo as the image in your profile. After that use twitter and make a couple tweets about some of the articles you just wrote.

    Now use Yahoo Buzz & Technorati.

    But don’t just link to your stuff, link out to any really cool stuff you find anywhere on the web. And do a couple per day, don’t try and bookmark all your sites at once. Sign up at each site and bookmark two or three sites per day changing up the anchor text and sites as you go. And don’t forget about Delicious or Kaboodle, as well as Reddit they are all really cool sites.

    Reddit is a lot like Digg where users link out to content that they want to talk about.

    Slashdot is for geeks.

    Clipmarks allows you to clip pieces of content and post them. If you run across a couple good lines in your articles then this is where you want to post them.

    Furl is really cool because it stores the web page, so even if the content changes latter you still have a copy.

    Newsvine is all about the news. So be careful what articles you post here.

    Faves is another good one because all the content is organized by topic and not popularity.

    Dzone is a news site.

    Blinklist is a good place to bookmark everything, even your bookmarking sites so you can keep up with what you have.

    From here you continue to post four articles per day to each of your websites and hubs that you created.

    This is Squidoo, WordPress, Wetpaint, 43things and Gather.

    You want all to bookmark all of them. But you don’t want any articles to have links coming from all of them, with the exception of Blinklist.

    From here you want to start befriending people on the social sites.

    Comment on their articles, and try and make friends with them while at the same time continuing to add articles and links to your sites.

    Read what is being talked about and respond accordingly, but do not spend all day leaving one comment.

    Comments are one of the most read sections, so a cleaver comment with a link back to your site or one of your properties, could mean a ton of traffic if done correctly.

    With social media sites you get the power of the link as well as the traffic from the people you befriend.

    You can create more social media sites using other topics associated with your main sites and using those keywords for your user name, URL and anywhere else you can put it, when setting up the accounts.

    Use your stats to get an idea of what terms people are searching for.
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  5. Ahtisham Ahmed Says:

    Article, blog and forum is best type of link building since panda 2.2
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  6. Liabs Kneel Says:

    Personally being a SEO experts. The best type of link building is one way link building. Which is actually High-PR sites point to your business website. You can learn more about linkbuilding and Link Building Services at
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  7. J-Dog Says:

    The best type of links are obviously totally natural link coming from people on your site sharing your content on their own website/blog/social media.

    However, if you are looking to do some effective link building yourself, I would recommend Social Monkee.

    It’s totally free and, from what I’ve seen, it really works. I’ve used it for a few weeks now

    Here is the signup link
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  8. Ramb Scot Says:

    Link building is a powerful seo tool that would increase the website ranking and traffic quite considerably within a short span of time, but while building links you must build them from popular websites that are relevant to your website, because Google’s panda algorithm rejects irrelevant links and decline your site ranking considerably. However, if you have relevant quality links then your website will be ranked as resourceful site, which drives the traffic towards your website. If you need more info or link building service, visit…
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  9. Alex Smith Says:

    These are some best type of link building in seo:
    Article marketing
    blog marketing
    press release marketing
    forum posting
    social bookmarking.
    these can help your website rank in first page of Google and Yahoo etc…
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