Apr 27

hi friends i m following bellow work flow for my work is there any suggestions for me?
On-Page Optimization Services – will increase website’s usability…

Content Optimization services
Keyword Research and analysis services
Meta-Tags writing services
Link Navigation
ALT Tags
Site maps creation both HTML and XML

Off-Page Optimization services – is the way to get back links and inbound links. As well as Keyword Rankings.

Search Engine Submissions services
Manual Directory Submissions services
Article Submission services
Press Release Submission services
Link Building services (One-Way Linking, Two-Way Linking(reciprocal), Three-Way Linking
Participation’s in Forums and Google Group discussions
Important News, Classifieds, Yellow Pages Submission services
Social networking and bookmarking services

if i am missing anything in this flow ?

Here is a Basic SEO Workflow that works

1. Initial project planning: Meet with an SEO expert. Pay them for their time. Have them map out when and how the SEO team should be involved in development.
2. Information architecture: Before you create your new site map, pick your keywords and verify that they matter. Organize your keywords into topics. Be sure your architecture reflects this. Remember, this isn’t just how search engines see your site. It’s how people look for you, too.
3. Tools selection: If you’re using a shopping cart, content management system or something else, make sure they support SEO. And no, I don’t mean "SEO friendly URLs" or other trite sales speak you’ll hear. I mean that these tools support unique title tags, correct semantic markup and won’t turn your web site into a pile of search-repellent spaghetti.
4. Content: Let the expert help you structure and write great copy that’ll also get the search engines’ attention.
5. Design: As your creative team gets to work, get your SEO expert to have a glance at the design. You don’t want to take, say, headings and turn them into graphical text. The SEO can work with the designers and help them find the best balance. She may know a thing or two about image replacement and other tricks that can help create a beautiful, search-friendly site, too.
6. Mockup: Sooo many companies ignore this. Have a truly great XHTML coder create templates for each unique page layout on your site. Then have your expert review for potential issues. This will make your developers’ lives much, much easier, because they won’t have to become HTML producers.
7. Development: Make sure the SEO team has access to the site-in-progress. They’ll watch for alarm bells like uneditable title tags, straying from the mockup or hacked-up code.
8. Pre-launch: The SEO expert can use whatever tools they have to ‘crawl’ your site, checking for busted links, search engine roadblocks, etc..
9. Pre-launch, 2: The expert will give you a set of 301 redirects to set up, so that critical link authority isn’t lost.
10. Launch: The SEO expert will join you in biting collective fingernails.
11. Post launch: Now the expert will start working on the stuff most people consider ‘search engine optimization’ – link building, tracking metrics, content optimization, strategy, etc..

Hope this helps.


4 Responses to “what is the work flow of Search Engine Optimization?”

  1. idunil_106 Says:

    As for as my concern, you covered almost everything. But i am sure , you need some help in your work flow. You can use some online tools for On-page ,off page suggestions here

    W3Optimizer has helped many webmasters, SEO and including myself helping to improve the search engine ranking dramatically. The seo tool is very simple and easy to use that even a newbie webmaster can use it effectively and see the improvements in the search engine ranking.
    References :

  2. Wish Master Says:

    Hey man.. you know very well about SEO & you covered almost everything except Paid Marketing.

    Examples :-

    1. PPC
    2. Text Link Ads
    3. CPM
    References :

  3. sathishreddy Says:

    Yeah you are almost right but missing web2.0 pages creating, Creating Blogs, Commenting Blogs, Writing articles..
    If you need experts in SEO you can go through http://www.pegasyssoft.com
    References :

  4. MK Says:

    Here is a Basic SEO Workflow that works

    1. Initial project planning: Meet with an SEO expert. Pay them for their time. Have them map out when and how the SEO team should be involved in development.
    2. Information architecture: Before you create your new site map, pick your keywords and verify that they matter. Organize your keywords into topics. Be sure your architecture reflects this. Remember, this isn’t just how search engines see your site. It’s how people look for you, too.
    3. Tools selection: If you’re using a shopping cart, content management system or something else, make sure they support SEO. And no, I don’t mean "SEO friendly URLs" or other trite sales speak you’ll hear. I mean that these tools support unique title tags, correct semantic markup and won’t turn your web site into a pile of search-repellent spaghetti.
    4. Content: Let the expert help you structure and write great copy that’ll also get the search engines’ attention.
    5. Design: As your creative team gets to work, get your SEO expert to have a glance at the design. You don’t want to take, say, headings and turn them into graphical text. The SEO can work with the designers and help them find the best balance. She may know a thing or two about image replacement and other tricks that can help create a beautiful, search-friendly site, too.
    6. Mockup: Sooo many companies ignore this. Have a truly great XHTML coder create templates for each unique page layout on your site. Then have your expert review for potential issues. This will make your developers’ lives much, much easier, because they won’t have to become HTML producers.
    7. Development: Make sure the SEO team has access to the site-in-progress. They’ll watch for alarm bells like uneditable title tags, straying from the mockup or hacked-up code.
    8. Pre-launch: The SEO expert can use whatever tools they have to ‘crawl’ your site, checking for busted links, search engine roadblocks, etc..
    9. Pre-launch, 2: The expert will give you a set of 301 redirects to set up, so that critical link authority isn’t lost.
    10. Launch: The SEO expert will join you in biting collective fingernails.
    11. Post launch: Now the expert will start working on the stuff most people consider ‘search engine optimization’ – link building, tracking metrics, content optimization, strategy, etc..

    Hope this helps.

    References :

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