May 07
What is the most trusted Social Media Advertising and Social Media Marketing firm you know of?
The most established and talked abt Social Media Advertising and marketing firm on Twitter is –
Please also Check –
http:// SMA.CO.IN
May 7th, 2011 at 4:00 pm
The most established and talked abt Social Media Advertising and marketing firm on Twitter is –
Please also Check –
http:// SMA.CO.IN
References :
May 7th, 2011 at 4:38 pm
RED Brand Media in Toronto, Canada
They designed @chowhound on Twitter, @ubantoronto, @msjag and dozens of other social media sites. Also they give you all the info you need to know on how to use Twitter, Facebook, Linkedin, Yelp, Blogs, and Review sites to keep your brand name out in the social media atmosphere.
References :
May 7th, 2011 at 4:59 pm
It really depends what you are after, if it’s a small business then you can go out on your own and most probably will be just fine. If you’re unsure online in general or it’s a large scale business then you can hire someone to assess the right approach and devise a strategy for you – this will most likely be the most comprehensive way to do it. However if you’ve got a fair amount of experience online in general you could do the following;
Twitter: search for relevant #hastag searches and engage the users you’re after e.g. if its coffee shop in New York search for #ny #newyork #coffeeshop find who’s talking about it and start a conversation with them.
Facebook: Create a fan page and encourage customers to add you there, also get friends on board to help share your service.
Website/blog: link all of the above together on your website and make sure to post new content to help stimulate community discussions (and get ranked higher by Google etc..). By far the best thing to do is engage your customer base, get their opinions, likes and dislikes etc.
The above is really basic but will get you started.
Get talking! Hope this helps 🙂
References :
Online presence and social media adviser
May 7th, 2011 at 5:29 pm
References :