Jun 30

I am currently working on pay per click search engine marketing and do not have a large budget to work with at this time. I would greatly appreciate any answers to my question and/or advice that would help me gain rank without breaking the bank to do it.

Building backlinks are the #1 way to build rank in a search engine. http://homebizseo.com/SEO/Backlinks.html

7 Responses to “What is the fastest way to gain rank in a search engine in a professional manner?”

  1. homebizseo homebizseo.com Says:

    Building backlinks are the #1 way to build rank in a search engine. http://homebizseo.com/SEO/Backlinks.html
    References :

  2. LemmeKnow Says:

    Build links with good sites.

    Optimise your site

    Use article marketing to get good 1 way incoming links.
    References :
    Here are some other pointers


  3. Mash Says:

    Article marketing is by far the effective and budget way to gain rank. You will need to submit to top ranking article directories to get good backlink. However, it can be time consuming to submit to so many article directories. I’m actually using article submitter software to help me. You can get the article submitter Free here http://www.beginner-internet-business.com/2008/02/beginner-guide-to-article-marketing.html

    Another great way to get traffic is through viral marketing. This means to write short report or ebook, and submitting them to ebook directories. It also takes time to write these ebooks but again I’m using the tools on one website to help me with it. You can find more details here. http://www.beginner-internet-business.com/2008/03/viral-ebook-explosion.html

    One more budgeted way to promote your website is through traffic exchange. You can get the top ranking traffic exchange program here http://traffichoopla.com/cgi-bin/p6.cgi/46063/

    Good Luck 🙂
    References :

  4. allwebprofit.com Says:

    To start gaining rank organically in the search engines, make sure your website is search engine friendly, and that each page is properly optimized for the keywords your are trying to capture.

    Additionally, make sure the keywords you are trying to capture are the keywords that your desired client base typically use for the product or service you offer. Often times web owners make the mistake of trying to rank for keywords they think will drive qualified traffic, when in reality, those keywords won’t.

    Good keyword research, analytics, and a constant measure and improve program will help you work your way to the top. Organic ranking takes time – and seeing the impact of the changes you make also takes time. Be patient.

    For more free digital marketing advice, visit http://www.allwebprofit.com
    References :

  5. vicseo Says:

    The most effective way to advertise on the Internet is
    to first set up a website and publish its domain name
    on major search directories such as Google.com,
    Yahoo.com [at http://www.google.com/addurl/?…… and
    MSN.com since 85% of Internet shoppers rely on these
    search directories to provide them with goods and
    services. In a sense, these search directories are a
    very large Internet Yellow Pages.

    Nevertheless, should your website or opening webpage
    fail to contain "generic" keywords, then anyone using
    such "generic" queries will not be able to discover
    your website. Your domain name [URL] of your website,
    in a sense, will be invisible, undiscoverable.

    You may want to consider some simple algorithms which,
    when observed and committed in designing of a website
    with placement of various critical metatags that can
    surely achieve a high search engine presence and
    increase Internet traffic to your website. These
    metatag strategies work well with published webpages
    at Google and Yahoo.

    Design: Should you create an extensive Flash-based
    website, make sure to fill-in the property entries
    such as the Title, Description and Keywords. Failing
    to do so, leaves no hard HTML or ALT resource that can
    be readily indexed by search robots. Also consider the
    Internet audience and their incoming setup. For
    example, if they are on analog/dialup, Flash webpages
    take too long to load up and therefore analog users
    will likely lose interest and discontinue entering the
    Flash site. On the other hand, anyone on hi-speed DSL
    lines, will welcome Flash pages which load quickly. So
    before designing a pure Flash websitge, ask the simple
    question, "Who’s my end user – is he on dialup or
    DSL?" And if you had to choose between these two users
    for maximum marketability, then select analog users
    since 80% of most resident users are still analog
    Internet subscribers and pure HTML designed webpages
    is best for them.

    A non-Flash-based website which relies on hard text,
    is far easier to be indexed by search robots. Limit
    the use of stylized text saved as .gifs since as a
    graphic, they are not indexable by search robots.

    Avoid use of frames since any number of search robots
    are unable to properly classify textual material.

    Placement of Metatags:

    A ranking or search order does take place with Google
    and Yahoo and it begins with the "Title" metag which
    should consist of no more than 65 characters separated
    by commas. The "Title" should describe in generic
    terms, the goods and services, followed by a location
    from which the resource is located, i.e., city, state.
    The placement of a domain name which is not generic
    within the "Title" is not appropriate, unless your
    domain name is a major recognizable brand name.

    The second metatag is the "Description" which is
    usually 25-30 words to form a complete sentence which
    best describes one’s goods and services.

    And the very last category – "Keywords" are also
    somewhat limited to 15-16 words which can be plural
    and compound in nature. Again, avoid multiple entries
    which could be mistaken as "spamdexed entries" which
    is defined as the loading, and submission of
    repetitive words into a particular metatag category.
    "Spamdexing" when discovered on a webpage and reported
    to Google’s spamreport.com can result in the
    elimination of your website from their search

    Here’s an example of a very highly-placed website on
    Google.com: Begin with the very "generic" search query
    "sandwiches downtown los angeles," taking note to not
    abbreviate Los Angeles to "LA" and of course, leave
    out the parentheses ("). It will bring up some 2.4
    million+ search results. Check out where "Nazos.net"
    is ranked. It’s ranked No. 1!
    Again, Nazos.net’s high web presence was achieved by
    proper web design and placement of relevant metatags
    according to Google’s publication guidelines.

    Good luck!
    References :

  6. Jack Daniels Rebel Says:

    Good old SEO can get you a decent ammount of organic traffic, there is no easy way though it takes alot of testing but very worth it once you get the hang of it. If you want to know how you can get high ranking in particular keyword phrases then you can get a free deep report on your website here http://bestmoneymaker.co.uk/index.php?pr=FREE_SEO_Report_On_Your_Website
    References :

  7. researchingthings Says:

    Ever heard of IBP SEO Software. I think it’s the #1 SEO software out there…covers everything from link building, rank reports, submission, optimization, etc. It’s a great resource for the do-it-yourselfer.

    They have a free demo version with good functionality. A must if you’re on a budget. Then if you like it, you can always upgrade to the paid version if the ROI justifies.

    References :

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