Search Engines such as Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL and Ask are the tools
people use to find the products and services they want from the Internet.
Search Engines can present a huge numbers of results as the number of
web pages in the Internet is in the billions. If you can get your site to the
top of a search engine result, make it “search engine friendly” or get high
ranking on Google, your page views would increase dramatically and
therefore your number of customers will increase substantially as your
site becomes easier to find.
SEO – search engine optimisation
SEM – search engine marketing.
So the difference is the difference between optimisation of a website and marketing. This is something that should be intuitively clear.
Optimisation means include meta data in the HTML of your web page, making sure your site is indexed with the major crawlers (search engines), making sure you have a robots file that lists all relevent pages on your site that you want indexed etc. Basically site stuff.
Marketing (SEM) is where you actually spend a bit of money. And you research keywords and advertisting campaigns and spend money on getting ads / links / traffic to your site. This also involves perhaps having special landing pages etc
Needless to say the two are linked and often your marketing strategy will require some changes to your actual site so the flow is consistent from your paid advertising that someone clicks on to the site you have
(i.e. the thing a user clicks on is what they expect when they get to your site)
June 25th, 2011 at 2:32 pm
Lol..actually they are both targeted to get sales. The whole point is that SEO optimized sites need to be publicized and no matter ho much SEO you do on customizing the site if it does not reach to the targeted niche market it is a lost cause. I saw PhoenixUP: , pick up from the virtual dirt sites that were perfectly optimized for SEO and brought down by lack of wisdom in publicizing. The professionals know that it is important to make the sites grow by personal approach .
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June 25th, 2011 at 3:06 pm
SEM – Means you pay money to search services like Google Adworks , Yahoo to get ranked among those "Sponsored Results"
SEO – Means Organic results i.e you use search ranking tactics to get high search position without paying money.
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June 25th, 2011 at 3:19 pm
They are both the same, when you say marketing your’e looking to get all the traffic to your site, while when you say optimization your optimizing it to provide and also retrieve related traffic, SEO is more organic and yet simplified on getting related content, marketing on the other hand is non related traffic most of the time. james from seoaviator
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June 25th, 2011 at 3:58 pm
SEO – search engine optimisation
SEM – search engine marketing.
So the difference is the difference between optimisation of a website and marketing. This is something that should be intuitively clear.
Optimisation means include meta data in the HTML of your web page, making sure your site is indexed with the major crawlers (search engines), making sure you have a robots file that lists all relevent pages on your site that you want indexed etc. Basically site stuff.
Marketing (SEM) is where you actually spend a bit of money. And you research keywords and advertisting campaigns and spend money on getting ads / links / traffic to your site. This also involves perhaps having special landing pages etc
Needless to say the two are linked and often your marketing strategy will require some changes to your actual site so the flow is consistent from your paid advertising that someone clicks on to the site you have
(i.e. the thing a user clicks on is what they expect when they get to your site)
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June 25th, 2011 at 4:34 pm
Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a subset of Search Engine Marketing (SEM). Search Engine Marketing includes Pay Per Click, SEO, Local Listing Optimization, Linking, etc.
Basically, any type of marketing that can be done on search engines is Search Engine Marketing. SEO is just one of those segments.
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June 25th, 2011 at 5:13 pm
SEO stands for search engine optimization. it deals in marketing and increasing your page popularity by any method. the only motive behind is to increase you page rank
SEM stands for search engine marketing. it is related to internet marketing in a more precise way.
there are different SEM and SEO company that deals in increasing your product, but you have to pay for it. this payment is made for there strategic Internet marketing.
some times you are asked to pay according to the click you get. Hope you have got the answer
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June 25th, 2011 at 5:49 pm
SEO – Search engine optimization
SEM – Search engine marketing
SEO is to make site better for both search engine and users. No SEM campaign is complete without SEO.
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