May 25

A web video that showcases background information regarding search engine marketing. WordUp Online is search engine marketing company, specialising in paid search on the Google, Yahoo and MSN networks.

Duration : 0:1:27

[youtube SHrBNQlPWZ4]

12 Responses to “What is Search Engine Marketing?”

  1. Truthnadv1 Says:

    I really liked your …
    I really liked your video and your channel. If you really want to get your business exposed. I have a program that does exactly that. This program has boosted my business to the top of the internet. I promise this is not a mlm, pyramid scheme, or how to make money on ebay. Please take a look atmy channel and videos, thanks can’t wait to hear from ya.

  2. Beauxdfgs Says:

    I really liked your …
    I really liked your video and your channel. If you need any help getting this video or channel exposed I use a site called tubeviews.(net) It has really helped like 20 of my main videos get to the top in position. Its nice.

    This rox… Thank you very much.

  3. Leodcgj Says:

    Nice Video. I …
    Nice Video. I really liked your video youtube can be a great asset for you. If you need any help getting your video exposed check out this site called tubeviews [dot net] It has really done wonders for me, I have build 3 channels up with videos at top in position and this is my forth channel i’m going to working on.

    thanks for sharing good stuff man

  4. seocoaching Says:

    Call (206) 339-7988 …
    Call (206) 339-7988 to get free website marketing advice. All messages will be returned immediately.

  5. midi3333 Says:

    Impressive. Search …
    Impressive. Search engine marketing seems to be such an effective means of attracting the right users to your website. I know it’s an issue that my business is dealing with at the moment!

  6. tsternson Says:

    Sound like Wordup …
    Sound like Wordup are onto something here. Data on the web is growing exponentially each year, and being able to find what you want gets more difficult over time.

  7. paulfink Says:

    Spot on there …
    Spot on there Daniel, I think you hit the nail on the head with your comment about targeting the people at the exact moment they are looking for you… it’s a fantastic concept and I’m sure every business out there would benefit from this kind of service…

  8. Marky3Mark Says:

    Sounds like the way …
    Sounds like the way forward. Have WordUp got a website i can have a look at to find out more?

  9. zookadelic Says:

    for sure – its …
    for sure – its amazing how effective this service can be. thanks for the comment.

  10. marclikestuff Says:

    what a handsome …
    what a handsome presenter! you make a strong case. i want to be on page one. will give you a buzz.

  11. huskygawenda Says:

    This is interesting …
    This is interesting. I’ll definitely be contacting Wordup.

  12. tamcha07 Says:

    it pays to use this …
    it pays to use this service as most ppl use on-line search engines to find their new suppliers of good and services.

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