Jun 11

to know about Public relation,marketing,advertising,online social marketing,promotions
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Social media marketing is a recent addition to organizations’ integrated marketing communications plans. Integrated marketing communications is a principle organizations follow to connect with their targeted markets. Integrated marketing communications coordinates the elements of the promotional mix;advertising, personal selling, public relations, publicity, direct marketing, and Hertfordshire twitter marketing can also help you get idea on how to work with social networking and social media.

2 Responses to “What is Public Relation , Social media marketing .?”

  1. Alok Says:

    thax for this information…
    References :

  2. Stephanie Mildred Says:

    Social media marketing is a recent addition to organizations’ integrated marketing communications plans. Integrated marketing communications is a principle organizations follow to connect with their targeted markets. Integrated marketing communications coordinates the elements of the promotional mix;advertising, personal selling, public relations, publicity, direct marketing, and Hertfordshire twitter marketing can also help you get idea on how to work with social networking and social media.
    References :

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