Jul 08

I want my SEO company to be more aggressive, but feel they are B.S.-ing me into believing that 4 links per month is acceptable. This is for an automotive repair facility that currently has 140 inbound links. The URL has been registered for 12 years and also only has 10 indexed pages.

You could easily get away with 50 to 100 links per day. Some people get thousands of links per day. It sort of depends on the existing traffic and whether or not you have some timely hot topic. No one knows for sure, but use your head. If it seems like it would look natural go for it.

You should get listed in all the free directories in your niche. You should start linking all of your internal pages to each other with anchor text. Use forum and blog comments in your niche.

The best authority links come from guest posting on peer blogs in your niche.

With a site that is 12 years old you should own your niche with a good link strategy.

6 Responses to “What is an acceptable ‘white hat’ method of link building for SEO?”

  1. msc Says:

    How many pages do you have that you want to be indexed? The number of inbound links sounds fine to me, but to get more pages indexed, you might need more unique content on each page.

    If you send me the URL privately, I’ll take a look.
    References :

  2. Ed Atun Says:

    Write to Wall Street Journal or PC Magazine. They post monthly lists of the best websites. Once you get mentioned, you will get thousands of visitors.
    References :

  3. linkmoneydotorg Says:

    You could easily get away with 50 to 100 links per day. Some people get thousands of links per day. It sort of depends on the existing traffic and whether or not you have some timely hot topic. No one knows for sure, but use your head. If it seems like it would look natural go for it.

    You should get listed in all the free directories in your niche. You should start linking all of your internal pages to each other with anchor text. Use forum and blog comments in your niche.

    The best authority links come from guest posting on peer blogs in your niche.

    With a site that is 12 years old you should own your niche with a good link strategy.
    References :
    Rich Hill – linkmoney

  4. James Tracy Says:

    There are many ways you can build links that will also help to drive traffic to your site as a by product. I have found the most beneficial ways are by posting legitimate comments on blogs that are frequented by many people, discussion forums related to your niche, article submissions, and press releases.

    Just by using the above mentioned ideas you could potentially generate 100’s if not 1000’s of links in any given month. One thing I should warn you though, is that type of link building can become very time consuming so you might want to consider outsourcing the tasks.


    James Tracy

    References :
    http://www.blogsearch.google.com, http://www.ezinearticles.com, http://www.prweb.com

  5. Welruck Says:

    Wish you would have posted the URL, so I could have help you a bit more. 4 links per month is garbage unless their from super highly reputable websites that have a lot of weight with Google and Yahoo. Personally, I’d find someone else to work with you. Somethings you could do yourself are to become active on some auto forums relevant to your business. You know, write some tips of the on forums, blogs, whatever and include to your domain as well as some keywords you are trying to rank for. If you want to give me some more information I’d be willing to give you some more relevant suggestions. Email me, my address should be available through my avatar.
    References :

  6. MikeTheTeacher Says:

    It all depends on how long the link building process will last. The longer it lasts, the more links you can acquire each day. 4 links per day is definitely low for any website, especially if you are paying someone to do such sloppy work.
    References :

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