May 10
I’d like some recommendations for books about social media marketing. Specifically, best practices and examples of how companies are using sites like Facebook/Myspace/Twitter to build their businesses.
I know that you are looking for books but if you are interested in a website that can give you all of this information then i found one while i was looking around for twitter guides. The website is a good foundation for social media marketing and gives you some good pointers and guidelines.
one of the links would be
or just the main site
check em out if you want i think they can help you
May 10th, 2011 at 7:51 am
Not sure what’s best but two great places to start are:
Seth Godin’s site and Chris Brogan’s site. Both have written books on the subject.
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May 10th, 2011 at 7:58 am
If I want to know what people think of an item bought online I always visit Amazon.
Here are some links to some books on Amazon That may be of interest to you. Always read the customer reviews to see what the books are really about:
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May 10th, 2011 at 8:10 am
check out They have a ton of free articles that provide valuable information about hot to increase branding, customer satisfaction and now there going into social media.
References :
May 10th, 2011 at 8:18 am
Here is a book that has several chapters in it on social media marketing. How to effectively use sites like Facebook / Twitter / Myspace. The chapters were written by two gurus in social media marketing.
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May 10th, 2011 at 8:59 am
I know that you are looking for books but if you are interested in a website that can give you all of this information then i found one while i was looking around for twitter guides. The website is a good foundation for social media marketing and gives you some good pointers and guidelines.
one of the links would be
or just the main site
check em out if you want i think they can help you
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