May 29

I want to start a website that will be a tool (like facebook, wikipedia, etc) and my brother tells me that it will cost 10,000 a month to advertise, market, and search engine optimize a month. From everything I have read this seems way off base…can you provide some insight into this for me?


That is not true. You could spend that much, but it would not be needed. I will be glad to give you some details on what good SEO will cost you. Why don’t you send me an e-mail?

3 Responses to “What are the average monthly costs for website marketing and search engine optimization?”

  1. William Says:

    That is not true. You could spend that much, but it would not be needed. I will be glad to give you some details on what good SEO will cost you. Why don’t you send me an e-mail?
    References :

  2. July S Says:

    You can check the website below. It has a live chat for inquiries. I hope this helps.
    References :

  3. askmrknight Says:

    While it is possible to spend that much on SEO services, you really do not need to.

    Most of the tricks of the trade can be done for very little out of pocket.

    I’ve been in internet marketing since 1988, when hardly anyone even knew about the internet.

    Or, called it the information superhighway.

    I publish a free newsletter that can help anyone get the best possible ranking for their web site.

    Subscribe free here…

    Always glad to help!
    References :

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