Jun 07

http://www.seerinteractive.com/blog/ Strategies on how to use Twitter to help you build quality links for your SEO campaign and to boost rankings.

Duration : 0:4:48

[youtube ZzLXnXHgHI8]

25 Responses to “Using Twitter for linkbuilding in SEO”

  1. VirtualAssistantv Says:

    Proper twitter …
    Proper twitter marketing for your website is a great way to be successful online…! Thumbs up for twitter adder.

  2. edcabreranet Says:

    I never heard of …
    I never heard of using twitter to get links, this is great!

  3. WebDeskCo Says:

    Thanks for the …
    Thanks for the information about link building. With Google’s changes, it’s good to know our system still works.

  4. greenliondigital1 Says:

    Thanks for sharing.
    Thanks for sharing.

  5. radioahead Says:

    those poor interns. …
    those poor interns…

  6. ioventures Says:

    great video
    great video

  7. wilreynolds Says:

    @antirem Thank you!
    @antirem Thank you!

  8. wilreynolds Says:

    @beeno7939 new …
    @beeno7939 new domain, old domain was 301’ed

  9. antirem Says:

    The text is a nice …
    The text is a nice touch

  10. beeno7939 Says:

    Love the look of …
    Love the look of your site. However, you are an SEO company that has 9 links from 7 domains and you are an SEO company. What is reason for that?

  11. wilreynolds Says:

    Thats what its all …
    Thats what its all about, thanks for taking the time to write back with some feedback, much appreciated.

  12. leer5858 Says:

    great video, I came …
    great video, I came on hear for some fresh SEO ideas and you’re giving me plenty! Thanks.

  13. jpondry Says:

    You can speak a …
    You can speak a little slower it will help us whose mother tongue is not English to follow better.

  14. wilreynolds Says:

    Thanks Buddy! Best …
    Thanks Buddy! Best of luck!

  15. VincentJCameron Says:

    as usual your vid …
    as usual your vid jammed with great value, your an animal my friend 🙂 5*
    Vincent Cameron

  16. wilreynolds Says:

    LOL!! Glad to be …
    LOL!! Glad to be able to help out in my own little way.

  17. gbmack2000 Says:

    Excellent vid. I …
    Excellent vid. I wish you were my uncle so that you could teach me how to “SEO” my site. Excellent info.

  18. wilreynolds Says:


  19. blackjd23 Says:

    Excellent video.
    Excellent video.

  20. wilreynolds Says:


  21. searchenginefirm Says:

    great video!
    great video!

  22. wilreynolds Says:

    Thanks for the …
    Thanks for the feedback, can’t change the video bt maybe I’ll touch on these points in the future.

  23. FrozzzenPuck Says:

    When you say people …
    When you say people are buying links, they are doing that to boost their link popularity. I thought you could of better explained that the links within Twitter will not increase link popularity but is good for exposure or “social networking” as they say. You should talk about why Twitter incorporates “tinyurl” so the systems doesn’t get abused.

  24. montyloree Says:

    these are good …
    these are good ideas.. i’m setting up a dofollow link directory and will think of ways to use twitter to generate links.

    That’s the thing I like about twitter. it’s full of active users.


  25. wilreynolds Says:

    Thanks nealg2g – …
    Thanks nealg2g – Glad you subscribe here! Remember I’m on twitter too so say hellow there @wilreynolds

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