Jul 10

Part of the world’s most watched Social Media video series; “Social Media Revolution” by Erik Qualman. Based on #1 International Best Selling Book Socialnomics by Erik Qualman. This is a shorter version that includes new social media statistics for 2011.

Duration : 0:2:35

[youtube 3SuNx0UrnEo]

25 Responses to “Social Media Revolution 2011”

  1. socialmediadirectors Says:

    Good song, great …
    Good song, great use of stats. Very informative and interesting. Thanks for putting this together!

  2. clasenanthony Says:

    I love the concept, …
    I love the concept, i’ve followed every video. It’s really good… 🙂

    But i have to say, the music chosen for this video is nice but doesn’t suits it.
    I find it hard to concentrate to. The Moby one was wayyyy better !

  3. GoMarkusHJ Says:

    wierd music! thumps …
    wierd music! thumps upp guys!

  4. ZackAttack261 Says:

    Fuck the social …
    the social media revolution.

  5. pecospete Says:

    For this superb – …
    For this superb – but English-only – educational video, we sure hope other versions somewhere also provide captions for the 11% of people who are hearing impaired as well as translated subtitles in other languages providing access for the 85% of humans who do not speak English. It’s easy, fast & fun to do, and your team can do it with your employees or volunteers at: dotSUB.com

  6. Stridernegro Says:

    @Melokiunited …
    @Melokiunited Civilization IV

  7. limo13pao Says:



  8. shairaptor Says:

    @strapuff why that?
    @strapuff why that?

  9. shairaptor Says:

    @PatentApplied you …
    @PatentApplied you are right, life was simpler before internet and reality soaps etc. Instead of creating real new friends, internets and facebook are making lone people, sitting alone and depressed at their PCs or MACs. 😉

  10. shairaptor Says:

    I ignore facebook …
    I ignore facebook and twitter. But I’m a huge fan of Youtube and Wikipedia, use google as no 1 search engine, am on Xing and LinkedIn. Why isn’t Myspace mentioned here btw? 😀

  11. shairaptor Says:

    @PatentApplied …
    @PatentApplied Relax, I also ignore facebook and twitter.

  12. nomsdeguerre Says:

    Don’t think I …
    Don’t think I didn’t see Manchester United in the opening.. This calls for Who the F r man United.. Who the f r man United.. When the reds come marchin in.. Am I missing the point? DEFINATELY lolll

  13. gcabanomty Says:

    I am watching your …
    I am watching your presentation in Joburg, thanks so much this is a very powerful video and thanks for sharing with teachers and everyone who is at this conference. I am sure South African teachers will learn a lot for this information and start using the social media to teach their learners. Learners these days need challenging ways of teaching and the ones that will make them get excited while learning.

  14. mh995 Says:

    @FacebookBF: I hope …
    @FacebookBF: I hope you like my video !

  15. MyTitleGuy Says:

    Interesting video. …
    Interesting video. I wonder how many times the next round of “social media experts and companies” will start their presentation with it? By the way, who cares if Facebook has more traffic than Google, Google is still the king of search which is what marketing is really all about. The ability to be found online when your ideal client has identified a need for your product or service. Facebook is still for entertainment for most of us – and lost of us don’t particularly enjoy all the stalker ads.

  16. everythinglauralikes Says:

    What is this music? …
    What is this music???

  17. MrPromdicity Says:

    what’s the font of …
    what’s the font of this presentation?

  18. Solopist Says:

    I bet MySpace is …
    I bet MySpace is kicking themselves now….”we blew it, we blew it. Note to self – don’t cater to internet stalkers”

  19. HubiBuba1 Says:

    Over 40 million …
    Over 40 million people watched the VW Darth Vader Super Bowl Ad – on Youtube 😀

  20. soona86 Says:

    it is just sad that …
    it is just sad that after all this progress we have reached, the Arabic word for revolution is spelled incorrectly, letters should be joined, people..
    الثورة not ا ل ث و ر ة

  21. jvreymondon Says:

    This video is a …
    This video is a nice way to promote Social Networks for a company: youtube.com/user/EADStv (video Paris Air Show… Follow us)

  22. unwavered Says:

    What presentation …
    What presentation software does this use?

  23. Xandamere1 Says:

    The song is Baba …
    The song is Baba Yetu, from the Civilization 4 soundtrack. It was the first piece of music from a video game to win a Grammy award.

  24. lauversaurus Says:

    Love the update, …
    Love the update, but the new music isn’t nearly as cinematic as it was is previous versions of this video.

  25. EternalDensity Says:

    87% of statistics …
    87% of statistics are made up on the spot.
    Also, I didn’t even know that superbowl ad existed. I’ve seen the little Thor one though.

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