May 12 is one of the leading websites and television channels in the country. maintain many web site properties and ensuring SEO is part of the development process is a huge task. Eleanor Hong of shares some insights and how she gets SEO done working at one of the biggest web site.
Learn how to check daily news and keyword trends and then integrate that as part of daily SEO process.
Read the full blog post at:

Bob Tripathi: One of the points you bring up, and I think it’s very important for us on the outside, is when a news story breaks out. How do you insert your keywords? I would assume, let’s say there was a fire in California, how do you put the relevant keywords in right away and get the story out? What’s your process like?

Eleanor Hong: I was on the panel and I just spoke about making the most out of daily trends. In terms of SEO, it’s important to look at what’s trending now. So for news, if there’s a developing story or breaking news, likely you’re going to see some uptick in what readers are looking for online to get to that news. Reuters had a really interesting report last year saying that now more readers are getting their news outside of traditional mediums and definitely they are looking online. Likely, they’re going to look through the portals like Yahoo News or Google News, or Google or Yahoo or Bing to get to the story. Where if they hear something on TV, maybe it’s a breaking news moment on TV across the different broadcasts, then if they’re in the office they’re likely to look it up online.

In terms of making sure you have the right keywords; again, as the in-house SEO and if you have the team, just keeping your pulse on what’s trending. We have a great staff and even our writers have picked up on the evangelism and they will actually go within their industry and verticals to look at what’s trending there; so, what’s trending in technology or what’s trending in travel. For breaking news, I would say we lean on Yahoo News or Google News to see what’s pulsating, what’s really bubbling. Likely, for a lot of news agencies, they have their own editorial staff, their breaking news or domestic news distribution list. So it’s likely they’re on it or they heard from an affiliate or they have a reporter who’s assigned to it. I think what’s really great in terms of search and social media is to really support them and provide them what’s trending on the web. So, the California race car crash, location is key. And that’s important across search because everyone’s looking at geo-locations, how many people died, and the development of that story. We’re able, as the in-house SEOs, to really look and at the different articles, and looking at the different sources. [Not only] because in journalism you always want to check your sources, but to provide “Mojave dessert” is a trending keyword, “California”, the “race car crash”, “eight people killed”. We can provide that to the writer, and hopefully the writer is versed enough in doing digital journalism, to really look that up for themselves as well. That’s how those keywords, and you have a certain amount of time where those keywords rise and fall, really help develop that story.

Duration : 0:8:53

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