May 25 A simple story that illustrates the forces shaping social media. This video comes in an unbranded “presentation quality” version that can be licensed for use in the workplace.

Duration : 0:3:44

[youtube MpIOClX1jPE]

25 Responses to “Social Media in Plain English”

  1. zeelove8 Says:

    uuhhhh,, i wanna …
    uuhhhh,, i wanna try the pickle,, sorry- i love pickels ok! lol*

  2. lindsayknight Says:

    Very nice
    Very nice

  3. Username14129 Says:

    good job
    good job

  4. gjessiw83 Says:

    It is safe to …
    It is safe to believe that almost all of us tend to be fb users. Yet I really wonder whom actually made money via facebook. I know of this website >> doiop(dot)com/fbwealth << and I think I am just likely to test it. Someone have tried it before?I

  5. maximum411 Says:

    thumbs up if you …
    thumbs up if you don’t know why the you are watching this

  6. cca211 Says:

    Oh wow!! I loved it …
    Oh wow!! I loved it!!

  7. HopeSocialMediaPR Says:

    I really enjoyed …
    I really enjoyed this it broke it down for people new to social media.

  8. emmahouli Says:

    That wasn’t plain …
    That wasn’t plain english at all…

  9. net4wiseowls Says:

    Clear content, …
    Clear content, great!

  10. durbinmedia Says:

    I still love this.
    I still love this.

  11. NickNoRtHeRnLiGhTs Says:

    this guy is a faggot
    this guy is a faggot

  12. rfry Says:

    Than the big …
    Than the big company, bought out the little guys.

  13. welheytherehowareyou Says:

    yum. pickle ice …
    yum. pickle ice cream :l

  14. djhappytalk Says:

    Well done! Creative …
    Well done! Creative yet simple graphics; and explanations throughout!

  15. djhappytalk Says:

    Well done! Creative …
    Well done! Creative yet simple graphics; and explanations throughout!

  16. tomeucap Says:

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    Automatic SEO Robot to DOMINATE all TOP 5 pages of GOOGLE
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  17. top2percent Says:

    Good examples, but …
    Good examples, but you’re describing social multimedia. Social media are simply media used for social interaction, not the content itself.

  18. vizzmedia Says:

    really nice video. …
    really nice video. very creative. Social Media can take business success to the next level. While many people considers it as a fad, its just the begining and it has a long way to go.

  19. vizzmedia Says:

    really nice video. …
    really nice video. very creative. Social Media can take business success to the next level. While many people considers it as a fad, its just the begining and it has a long way to go.

  20. ssnjones Says:

    Social Media is the …
    Social Media is the biggest shift in communication since the Industrial Revoulution.
    It makes the world a much smaller place.

  21. GregDeTisi Says:

    Plain and Simple …
    Plain and Simple how we like it!:)

  22. VirtualAssistantInc Says:

    Great analogy …
    Great analogy between social media and ice cream. I have never thought about it. The video shows how social media evolved and how it is important to business. Very interesting.

  23. sixfootlady Says:


  24. sanjivmenon Says:

    its good, thanks

    its good, thanks

    Westford School of Management, India and UAE
    UK Qualifications are now available in India.

  25. sanjivmenon Says:

    its good, thanks

    its good, thanks
    Sanjiv Menon
    Westford School of Management,
    UK Qualifications are now available in India.

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