May 04

Welcome to the Social Frontier™!
Fourth quarter is here and as we close out another early year in the development of Social and Emerging or New Media, it is good time to review where we have been and how that stages us for where we are … on the Social Frontier™.
As a Social Anthropologist, I have continually documented the last few years and how the landscape continues to change. Last year at this time I was defining the outcomes of 2010, and I am pleased to share that I had accurately identified the key trends to watch and factor into the strategies, projects, and events we created with our clients throughout the year.
This year the influences aren’t as easily grouped or categorized as the market is continuing both in DEVELOPMENT mode- i.e. the advancement of tools and platforms and is SIMULTANEOUSLY FRAGMENTING- i.e. social consumer behavior is getting defined by demographic and psychographic activities.
This video is part of a collection that spotlights the key trends that we believe will impact your marketing and business development in 2011. For more information contact the Social Wendy Group at Wendy Meadley’s proprietary Digital Identity Development Model is at complete with links to her general digital presence.
Social Wendy Group: Emerging Media Strategy
Social | Mobile | Web | Events
About Wendy Meadley
Author & Social Anthropologist
For over a decade, Wendy Meadley (@SocialWendy) has been involved in the creation of myriad software development, website, wireless application launches, usability tests, and interactive marketing‐and now mobile and social media marketing campaigns. Since 2005, Wendy has participated in a broad array of social media and marketing with her clients initially incorporating MySpace, Facebook, YouTube; and more recently LinkedIn, Twitter, Vimeo, Slideshare and other social tools based on the campaign and business goals. She is proud to include Fortune 500 clients, entrepreneurs, advertising agencies and technology developers as her clients. Just Bing or Google SocialWendy for examples of specific campaigns that she has created with her clients.

Duration : 0:2:39

[youtube SCaSWYejezA]

One Response to “Social Frontier 2011 :: Spotlight on Social SEO Strategy”

  1. seoindia123 Says:

    Great information!! …
    Great information!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

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