May 12
Hi All
I am researching seo prices – but dont want to approach any seo companies just yet…
Can anyone outline typical prices for an seo campaign…By this I mean the market average for "keyword analysis + setup" and the monthly retainer (I assume all seo companies will want a per month fee onwards to keep writing articles/blogs etc..)
I know it will vary, but I am talking about a medium sized business on a moderately competitive keyword…nothing silly like "car insurance" or "mortgage"….
for all your seo needs…please visit the site
you will find attractive seo packages and with quality satisfaction..
May 12th, 2011 at 9:50 pm
HI i think you just mention here your budget then it is better.
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May 12th, 2011 at 10:27 pm
Quote your requirements and budget.
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May 12th, 2011 at 10:46 pm
for all your seo needs…please visit the site
you will find attractive seo packages and with quality satisfaction..
References :
May 12th, 2011 at 11:01 pm
It will vary depending on what all you need. You might do better cost wise if you contact someone who works independently- usually less overhead ie; working from home.
I hire out some of my backlinking, etc. to people who work privately and the cost is almost always significantly less, not to mention that someone in this position will go the extra mile for you to make sure you stay a customer.
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