May 25

from Learn the types of links that help you rank better and help you make sales.

Duration : 0:3:9

[youtube HTn91hKJ5xI]

18 Responses to “SEO Link Building 101”

  1. DE195206 Says:

    No use if you don …
    No use if you don know people who will link to your blog/site. Like always it isn’t what you know but who you know.

  2. stalbanswebdesignseo Says:

    just on the no …
    just on the no follow thing , i dont believe in it ….. i split tested some stuff bookmarked totally with delicious and it ranked very high…and we all know del b.marks are all no follow….so go figure!
    just wanted to share this seo myth!

  3. JeffSMills Says:

    It would be swell …
    It would be swell of you to discuss how to create a natural linking profile. Google will get better at sniffing out off-page SEO campaigns. Some things to consider in simulating natural linking might be anchor text variation, link acquisition rate congruent with traffic, mix of do/no-follow links, some exposed url links… getting the link mix & ratio right as not to draw attention to an ill advised off-page SEO campaign.

  4. montyloree Says:

    alot of the first …
    alot of the first links were done with personal contacts… which is good to know..
    that’s what I’m working on… good contacts who can exchange links.

  5. douglaslampi Says:

    Why do you end …
    Why do you end every sentence as a question??

  6. BMDMediaAZ Says:

    Great video on SEO! …
    Great video on SEO! We just added one ourselves “Learn About Online Marketing, Blogs, Link Building, SEO Submission & Building Website Traffic”

  7. emailgrowth Says:

    Nice video about …
    Nice video about seo. I am currently working on this fill free to visit my profile to see my website. Lot of information.

  8. seoman111 Says:

    Great post
    Great post

  9. salvyy Says:

    I am curious to …
    I am curious to know who gave you a -1 and why.

  10. giga888 Says:

    good vid aaron.

    good vid aaron.


  11. jamesmanner Says:

    Either I’m getting …
    Either I’m getting old or the audio is bad, I could not understand a word, well maybe a couple…

  12. yeswecan08 Says:

    Is there a tool …
    Is there a tool that helps you find the “authoritative” websites in your niche such that you can develop a strategy to get links from them (write relevant content, pay, etc)
    Also, it would be really, really awesome if you talked about SMO for SEO (like blog commenting social bookmarking links, etc)

    I just launched a website about 2 weeks ago. Did a post that was really seo strong. The social book mark links ranks higher than the link to my main website :s

  13. seobook Says:

    I just use IE on …
    I just use IE on the right monitor and Firefox on the left…typically out of convention more than anything I guess.

  14. hassan731 Says:

    He is using IE …
    He is using IE because he does not want to show you Firefox with all his bookmarks and toolbars. I use FF and I don’t want anyone to look at my bookmarks, ppl have to pay for that stuff.

  15. wayfarerone Says:

    Your videos are …
    Your videos are interesting, but the quality of sound is really low and I must make an effort to understand what you are saying. Not a good way to keep visitors – I already lost my patience, just becuase of the unintelligible and difficult to hear voice.

  16. franckmercado Says:

    :O you are using IE …
    :O you are using IE!! Man kill yourself 😛 , ok just change your web explorer 😉

  17. videobuzy Says:

    That is a really …
    That is a really nice video.

    Check some really cool SEO Video tutorials at

    seovideos . info

  18. civicstylez98 Says:

    Dude, Internet …
    Dude, Internet Explorer….why?

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