Does anyone know of a good link building service that they have used in the past to gain better ranking on Google? Doing a search on Google seems to yield many companies but it is difficult to know if they are of any value. Thank you.
for a startup i would suggest you get your links onto directories… and although they are directories, any pr you get from directories linking to you is better than sites linking to you… this will increase traffic and your PR and your search engine ranking…
i have the top 500 on my blog…. click on the link http://www.traffic2mypage.com/traffic-hot-tips/top-500-one-way-link-directories-sorted-by-page-rank-part-i/
once u attain PR… then look to do 3 way link exchange … everyone gets maximum PR because site A links to Site B… Site B links to Site C.. and Site C links to Site A completing the 3 way… and everyone is happy!
June 27th, 2011 at 11:00 pm
for a startup i would suggest you get your links onto directories… and although they are directories, any pr you get from directories linking to you is better than sites linking to you… this will increase traffic and your PR and your search engine ranking…
i have the top 500 on my blog…. click on the link http://www.traffic2mypage.com/traffic-hot-tips/top-500-one-way-link-directories-sorted-by-page-rank-part-i/
once u attain PR… then look to do 3 way link exchange … everyone gets maximum PR because site A links to Site B… Site B links to Site C.. and Site C links to Site A completing the 3 way… and everyone is happy!
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