Jun 28

from http://www.seobook.com Seo Book.com’s Aaron Wall explains how PR can be used to boost a company’s rankings and search engine optimization results.

Duration : 0:9:26

[youtube cfESjtLEQFY]

21 Responses to “Public Relations & Search Engine Marketing”

  1. smrtrthanuthink Says:

    Hello, My name is …
    Hello, My name is Richard McDonald, I really like your video, Great job keep up the great work. I myself have created a few videos would you be so kind in adding a comment & adding me as your friend. We really look forward to networking with you here in the near future. Thank you so much and God Bless we wish you all the best in 2009 for prosperity & Wealth..

    Richard & Cheryl

  2. StreamStationTV Says:

    Good job. …
    Good job. Informative, insightful, and left me wanting to hear more. You should consider a newsletter covering the latest pr how to. Excellent work.

  3. jefffaldalen Says:

    Great video and I …
    Great video and I look forward to your next one. Hey if you get a chance, stop by my channel and check out what I have going on. Let me know when you have something up

  4. beaubridgewater Says:

    Great video! …
    Great video! Thanks for sharing.

    Something I learned a long the way “Help others create more success in their lives and your own success will sky rocket!”

    To Your Success and Prosperity,

    Beau Bridgewater

  5. daisywebgirl Says:

    Wow, I really …
    Wow, I really learned a lot from this video. Thanks for posting. 🙂

  6. JunuQillyulaa Says:

    champ, what is this?
    champ, what is this?

  7. tom4645786ss Says:

    hey thanks bro
    hey thanks bro

  8. PositiveChillout Says:


  9. RticleMan Says:

    Very interesting.

    Very interesting.


  10. AdkinsBeeRemoval Says:

    Nice video Aaron, …
    Nice video Aaron, insightful.
    I’m better for watching them.

  11. TrainTheK9 Says:

    Well, it appears I …
    Well, it appears I missed all the “fun”. Apparently the offending party has had all of his comments removed (probably rightly so). I agree with snowdevil. Very informative stuff, Aaron.

  12. Boyrulezz Says:

    for once i agree …
    for once i agree with you Aaron.

  13. seobook Says:

    You don’t get …
    You don’t get people hating you that much without doing something right!

    You can’t please them all, I guess.

  14. snowdevil78 Says:

    Meh, I’ve lost …
    Meh, I’ve lost interest arguing with you. Especially after seeing that you’re a hardcore conspiracy theorist nut. Aaron, you really should delete this whole thread, it’s cluttering up the space under an otherwise-useful video.

  15. snowdevil78 Says:

    Actually you’re …
    Actually you’re wrong. Most people in this business don’t shout from the rooftops who all their businesses and clients are. There are numerous reasons for it, usually involving abuse of the fact by those following their every move.

    By the way, a troll (as opposed to a person arguing a worthwhile case) can usually be spotted a mile away by the aggressive and insulting tone, and unwarranted derogatory comments.

  16. snowdevil78 Says:

    No not really (if …
    No not really (if that’s the kind of person you want to be), you just seem to be slinging wild claims and pseudo-facts. What makes you so sure he has no clients? What makes you so sure he sold drugs in the army? (irrelevant to his SEO skills) What makes you think the he only has his blog and ebook? Also on what do you base your claim that he can’t write?

    In contrast to you, I hate people going around smearing good people’s names with false assumptions and things they’ve blown out of context.

  17. snowdevil78 Says:

    You’ve got a pretty …
    You’ve got a pretty big chip on your shoulder, don’t you? Are you a negative person in general, or have you had a genuine bad experience here?

  18. snowdevil78 Says:

    I don’t know where …
    I don’t know where you get your information. I’ve read several versions of his book and he writes quite well. I’ve followed his blog for a long time now and he certainly doesn’t have any literary problems there either. And really, the proof is in the pudding. Search “SEO” and he’s on the front page.

  19. snowdevil78 Says:

    The advantage of …
    The advantage of this information is that he has already learned all of this stuff and has spent a huge amount of time reading, practising, and applying the knowledge and separating the signal from the huge amount of noise out there. He’s learned what works and what doesn’t. Just because people post on a forum that something works, doesn’t mean it’s true, or is up-to-date. For someone to go through and rediscover all this information for themselves would take a huge amount of time.

  20. snowdevil78 Says:

    How about you stop …
    How about you stop trolling and realise that though *you* may already know something, it doesn’t mean that there aren’t plenty of other people out there who would find his information useful and helpful and perhaps be able to fill a gap in their knowledge quickly. To not realise or accept this point is the height of arrogance.

  21. mikesurf123 Says:

    This was an …
    This was an excellent video, very informative. Thank you Aaron!

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