May 31

It is important for attorneys and law firms to understand that after you have selected a Web Development company and have a law firm website the work doesn’t stop there. Just having an attorney website is only part of the greater Web Presence Strategy. To be successful your law firms Web Presence Strategy must include ongoing SEO/SEM, Online Marketing Social Networking and Web Analytics.

SEO/SEM, Online Marketing and Social Networking are ongoing processes that continue long after your law firms website is developed and includes research, continual testing and measuring. Tracking the efforts of SEO/SEM, Online Marketing and Social Networking is essential to a successful Web Presence Strategy.

Web Analytics is essential to a successful law firm or attorney website. Web Analytics track the visitors to your law firms website, how potential clients find your law firms website, what potential clients looked at on your website and how long they stayed on your law firms website. Through Web Analytics your Web Development Company is able to track nearly every aspect of your Web Presence Strategy for a successful ROI.

Beware of Pay for Performance business models offered by some Online Marketing companies. Pay for Performance can produce results up front, but usually tapper off quickly and cost the client more in the long run with less ROI.

Are you a lawyer looking for MCLE CLE credits? This CLE video clip is part of the CLE online video entitled Due Diligence when Selecting a Web Development Firm”, offered by Attorneys interested in CLE credit for their continuing legal education requirements can go to to view their extensive list of educational and interesting MCLE CLE credit courses.

Duration : 0:3:59

[youtube Y-qQw63X0cc]

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