Stop working with wankers!
Reality bites, but it’s also hiring.
Every major industry’s saddled with stereotypes: lawyers are heartless, bankers are money-hungry and clowns are downright terrifying. So it’s no surprise the advertising world is just as riddled with clichés and hackneyed typecasting…except of course that with every stereotype comes an element of truth. That’s the thinking behind the cheeky recruitment drive of growing start-up consultancy firm ‘Step Change Marketing’ and their ‘Wankers That Don’t Work Here’ campaign.
“We wanted to attract staff who love the industry but hate the politics, egos and rigid, demarcated roles of the big agencies” explained Step Change’s General Manager, Jeff Cooper. “It’s ridiculous to the point of offensive that only ‘creatives’ are capable of great ideas or that only ‘suits’ know how to talk to clients, so we’re looking for people to do both in the one role; something we’ve called ‘Creative Solutions’.”
And creative solutions is what this video’s all about. Rather than spending tens of thousands of dollars on corporate recruiters and advertising, the team decided to go straight to the source with an amusing piece that deliberately cuts very close to the bone. “The one great thing about wankers is that they need no explanation, so we were able to forego the traditional recruitment channels and approach candidates in a far more direct way. Ours is a pretty simple message: wankers don’t work here, so do you want to?”
It’s a message that’s already paid dividends, since the writer of the film subsequently signed on with the company after being drawn to its flexible and performance-based approach to work. As an added bonus, the money saved on the campaign will instead go into higher salaries for the successful applicants.
So how does Cooper feel about making fun of the industry? “It’s a bit like throwing rocks at a beehive”, he replied. “You might get stung, but there’s honey in there as well.”
If you’re interested in working with an agency that’s young and thinking of things differently download the job description ( ) and then submit your resume to
The wankers below are available for talent requests. Enquire on the above address.
Creative credits:
Script: Tom Glasson
Director: Dan Ilic
General Manager: Jeff Cooper (as himself)
HR Director: Tom Glasson
ALAN (Creative) – Cale Bain
SIMON (Planning) – Phil Willis
JESS (Production) – Megan Ormsby
ANTOINE (Account Manager) – Steve Lynch
CLIVE (Senior Manager)- Greg Flynn
Duration : 0:2:38
[youtube XNjziSHnA_I]
July 21st, 2011 at 8:49 am