While social media seems to be the newest and coolest form of marketing, we have seen that more traditional forms of marketing, such as email marketing, are still effective. Ben Lerer, the co-founder of lifestyle website Thrillist, further proved this idea in a recent interview with WebProNews.
He told us that even though social media was important, his company has found that its users embrace email in the same way that others share on social sites.
“We’re really good at getting people to forward emails and to use email as sort of social media,” he said.
Thrillist recently rolled out its own version of daily deals, called Rewards, which are geared especially toward young professional men. The company has, however, been able to successfully utilize Foursquare to promote its localized Rewards.
What works better for you: email or social media?
Duration : 0:19:18
[youtube ZST3Bs-rnBo]