Jun 18

It all depends whether there is actually something to learn from your video course that is not found free elsewhere. Remember, search engine marketing is an evolving thing — how does your video course capture every latest hiccup or changes in the algorithm of the search engines?

I suggest you look at your competition — what they offer, what is in their course — to get a feel whether your course is priced too low or too high. If you have great and UPDATED/NEW content, then $10 is too cheap. Some online courses can go up as high as $250

6 Responses to “Is $10 too much to charge for an online video course about search engine marketing?”

  1. imisidro Says:

    It all depends whether there is actually something to learn from your video course that is not found free elsewhere. Remember, search engine marketing is an evolving thing — how does your video course capture every latest hiccup or changes in the algorithm of the search engines?

    I suggest you look at your competition — what they offer, what is in their course — to get a feel whether your course is priced too low or too high. If you have great and UPDATED/NEW content, then $10 is too cheap. Some online courses can go up as high as $250
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  2. joewillyneckbone Says:

    Joe Willy Neckbone says, "that is totally up to you, but you can learn a lot about Internet Marketing for free at the link below."
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  3. bizwiz Says:

    Well, what is it worth to you? Do you think that $10 of benefit could derive from the video? There’s probably exactly the same information out there for free, you just have to collect it.
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  4. NYMaven Says:

    How many episodes is the course? How long is it? Is it taught by experts, mom & pop practitioners, etc? It is probably far too little – if it’s that low, it’s possible no one will take it seriously. You might charge, say, $79 and include a free book or something as an added hook.
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  5. kevgibbo1981 Says:

    Before YouTube it was probably good value, now you can get that sort of thing for free quite easily.

    Maybe it would be a better option to provide this for free so that it reaches a wider range of people who may link to your video which will help to improve your search rankings. You can always make money from contextual advertising such as Google AdSense.
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    This is similar to something I’ve done before for http://www.seoptimise.com

  6. Rich Says:

    If you have a strong following of webmasters / SEOs that read your blog and view your resources, then go for it. Post it for $10 and you should get some buyers. I would make sure to build up regular views first. Maybe run two videos weekly. One for free and one where people can buy it or subscribe to it.
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