Yes one way links to your site are very important. Make sure the pages that are linking to your individual web pages are from pages that have very similar content as yours and few links already going out. One of the most common mistakes people make is worrying about getting a link from a high ranking web directory but many times the web directory first and foremost doesn’t contain content about your topic on your web site and secondly has way to many links going out to sites other than yours, which simply takes away from the effectiveness of your links coming to you and will get very little results from the search engines.
Article writing is a good solution to this. When you write an article and submit it to an article site, they generally give you your own page that your article is featured on. Always include a link back to your site in the article as this will link like minded content with your web pages content. For the little effort it takes to write a 300-500 word article your gain is huge for your web page. The content linked from the article to your web page will make your keywords that are focusing on in the title of your web page and in the article look very relevant to google, yahoo.. etc and you’ll benefit greatly from that.
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June 27th, 2011 at 11:19 pm
Hi there! If your hypothesis is that reciprocal links are less valued than inbound links, my response is that inbound links as well as reciprocal links are very valuable if the visitors clicking on these links feel that they have come to the right place.
SEO is a X stage rocket and strong inbound links arise by:
1. Creating content that the visitors read, comment on, purchase and so on…
2. Write clear and 2-the-point titles on your pages (VERY IMPORTANT). Titles are at least as important as a title on a book cover, it is crucial in order for the search engines’ spiders to locate your site.
3. Submit your site to the strong (read:trustworthy) directories.
4. By now inbound links should start to come in on your site…
Recommended reading
References :
June 27th, 2011 at 11:37 pm
Yes one way links to your site are very important. Make sure the pages that are linking to your individual web pages are from pages that have very similar content as yours and few links already going out. One of the most common mistakes people make is worrying about getting a link from a high ranking web directory but many times the web directory first and foremost doesn’t contain content about your topic on your web site and secondly has way to many links going out to sites other than yours, which simply takes away from the effectiveness of your links coming to you and will get very little results from the search engines.
Article writing is a good solution to this. When you write an article and submit it to an article site, they generally give you your own page that your article is featured on. Always include a link back to your site in the article as this will link like minded content with your web pages content. For the little effort it takes to write a 300-500 word article your gain is huge for your web page. The content linked from the article to your web page will make your keywords that are focusing on in the title of your web page and in the article look very relevant to google, yahoo.. etc and you’ll benefit greatly from that.
If you need more traffic or sales building, marketing advice join my free newsletter… You’ll find traffic tips for generating traffic to your site and you’ll also find marketing strats and more…
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June 28th, 2011 at 12:07 am
Toyzmaster is absolutely correct, particularly with regards to "article marketing."
By submitting articles to directories, you establish one "inbound," "one-way" link from the directory. Then, as your article is picked up and re-published by sites, blogs, etc. in need of content, you will automatically receive the type of link you need from those sites. And, as there would be no reason for a site, blog, etc. that has nothing to do with your area of interest to pick up your articles, those sites that do will result in exactly the kind of relevant links the search engines want.
And remember, aside from the linking/SEO advantages, there are the advertising advantages, which are numerous, including promoting "brand awareness," increased credibility with customers and a major increase in traffic to your site.
Best of all, most directories allow you to submit your articles free!
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