If we wanted to market a specific person (ie to raise their celebrity status) what social media platforms (eg blogging, interactive website etc) would you suggest and why?
In this day in age social media impacts greatly on marketing. I suggest you use something like facebook. you are able to monitor what happens and what is said, and you have the opportunity to involve your ‘users’. Give them a certain level of ‘decision making’ power.
The important thing is to focus on building relationships with your ‘customers’ and maintaining these relationships, by doing this, they will market your business for you.
Also, if you receive any negative comments or feedback, the best way to handle it is to react quickly! and try and resolve the situation as best and honestly as you can.
Good luck
June 18th, 2011 at 11:43 am
you have to be careful with blogs etc, if you receive bad feedback how to respond to blog effectively without destroying your company’s image. Social networking sites, face-book, linked-in,myspace, you can create your own company blogs, need to make sure what you are posting is relevant to your business. depending if your company are a expert in something like IT, Law, Tax etc.
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June 18th, 2011 at 12:22 pm
In this day in age social media impacts greatly on marketing. I suggest you use something like facebook. you are able to monitor what happens and what is said, and you have the opportunity to involve your ‘users’. Give them a certain level of ‘decision making’ power.
The important thing is to focus on building relationships with your ‘customers’ and maintaining these relationships, by doing this, they will market your business for you.
Also, if you receive any negative comments or feedback, the best way to handle it is to react quickly! and try and resolve the situation as best and honestly as you can.
Good luck
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June 18th, 2011 at 12:34 pm
They are incredibly important. How many times have you bought something because of what a friend said, or a review you read. People are also turning to there networks for advise and no longer paying attention to old marketing techniques.
My advise would be to do everything. Make a blog, connect it to your website. Have a facebook page, connect it to your website, and so on. The more the better.
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June 18th, 2011 at 12:58 pm
Social media is powerful, both positive and negative, but then all publicity is ultimately good publicity.
To really raise a celebrity profile, I’d suggest Facebook for a few reasons:
It has a massive audience
It allows people to really connect well
It’s fast and easy to use.
In addition to Facebook I think that interactive media is a good thing too to get more involvement. People want to know that someone else is a real walking, talking person and they want to know more about them. Interactive media is certainly one way of doing this worldwide.
Finally I’d recommend Twitter, because it’s easy to start conversations, drop information, advice and start to connect, with the emphasis on referring people back to the other forms of media for a more in depth relationship to develop.
Rebecca’s Resource
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June 18th, 2011 at 1:14 pm
I hate media so much. media like news, newspaper, there are many b.s, lies, nonsense, propaganda, they are like worst than Wikipedia. They are like some kid who are writing b.s on the blog. But from news, most people will believe that. Media have too much power.
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June 18th, 2011 at 1:51 pm
The best for your personal brand is Twitter & Facebook.
I have created a website reporting on social media news in Australia – http://www.socialmedianews.com.au
I have many good ideas on how to market yourself and your business
Kind Regards,
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