Ryma’s webinar presented on July 21st, 2010 at noon EDT by Jessica Bowman .In this webinar you will learn how to make SEO efficient by integrating it into your development life cycle and how to create accountabilities throughout the organization so that SEO becomes part of everyday business activities.
Jessica Bowman, founder of, is a leader within the Search Engine Optimization (SEO) industry and a long-time advocate of in-house SEO. She is a well-known international speaker and moderator at SEO events that include: Search Engine Strategies, Search Marketing Expo and International Search Summit. She is also an industry columnist for publications such as Search Engine Watch and Search Engine Land. Audiences benefit from Jessicas knowledge of how to create a sustainable SEO strategy, how to take an SEO program to the next level and leverage existing company resources to produce the maximum return on SEO investment. For companies that are new to in-house SEO, Jessica and the team at get SEO programs up and running quickly, systematically and profitably.
Duration : 0:5:0
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