Jun 07


I agree to Ajay, some additions:-
CSR or social marketing works for a known organisation, it is practised by well-established org. only. CSR for newly born org. is of no value except for NGOs working with Govt. collaboration towards a social cause. 1-This takes a hell lot of investment to practise CSR.
2-The ROI is not visible in short run,but brings in Cash inflow & Goodwill in the market in long-run.

3- Example: TATA,Idea ,Aircel(Save our tiger campaign,1411 magic no.)
4-CSR doesnot indicate responsibility towards society to knowledgable persons but sends + impression to common man & brings business in form of Goodwill & brand image.
5-So NEVER get immotional next time you come across such campaign,it is a marketing tool ONLY.

4 Responses to “How social media marketing services help to grow your business?”

  1. ajay Says:

    It is like Corporate Social Responsibility. There can be no short term gains. But in the long run this is a good way to build a responsible brand image. Take example of TATA tea Jago re ads or Idea’s what an idea sirji.
    References :

  2. chandra Says:

    I agree to Ajay, some additions:-
    CSR or social marketing works for a known organisation, it is practised by well-established org. only. CSR for newly born org. is of no value except for NGOs working with Govt. collaboration towards a social cause. 1-This takes a hell lot of investment to practise CSR.
    2-The ROI is not visible in short run,but brings in Cash inflow & Goodwill in the market in long-run.

    3- Example: TATA,Idea ,Aircel(Save our tiger campaign,1411 magic no.)
    4-CSR doesnot indicate responsibility towards society to knowledgable persons but sends + impression to common man & brings business in form of Goodwill & brand image.
    5-So NEVER get immotional next time you come across such campaign,it is a marketing tool ONLY.
    References :
    Own Knowledge

  3. sona_sonu2006_8 Says:

    social media is the main base for the marketing because they are the king of the market and we have to forecast on their choices. Social means societalnd it is nothing but people who pay us and on whom base we get our bread.When we satisfy their needs then only we can expand our business like a healthy tree.
    References :

  4. Ben Says:

    do not use anything copied here in ur paper, it can be easily detect with a plagiarism detecting software. bettr go to some websites like fastcustomessays.com and request a gud researcher to help you with it, this is how we mates do for our papers:)
    References :

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