Jul 03
Not very important it is, but article submission helps a lot in back links. Free article site http://www.basearticles.com.
Not very important it is, but article submission helps a lot in back links. Free article site http://www.basearticles.com.
July 3rd, 2011 at 7:01 am
There are 1000s free articles directories.. more important 10-12 like ezinearticles.com articlecube.com alley – goarticles etc
Main rule is constatnly of submissions unique contents
Best solution – automated process I use 2 powerful soft for that.. check those links
References :
http://bit.ly/h6Q6UV and http://bit.ly/eR4eiU
July 3rd, 2011 at 7:23 am
Depending on your link building strategy, article submission can be very important. However some webmaster do not incorporate article submission into their website success. It all depends on what type of website you want to build links for, and what type of visitors you want to attract. Other link building techniques included but are not limited to; forum posting, commenting on blogs, directory listing, link exchanges, social bookmarking, RSS feed submission, etc.
In order to build successful links back to your website you should incorporate your own ideas into the link building techniques that would best attract the type of visitors you are looking for. For example, if you have an informational website about the game of golf. You might want to start by posting discussions in forums dealing with sports/golf, and writing articles on recent golf events.
Hope this helps and good luck, link building is an ongoing process that takes time and dedication. Stick with it and results will come.
References :
July 3rd, 2011 at 8:05 am
Not very important it is, but article submission helps a lot in back links. Free article site http://www.basearticles.com.
References :