May 15

Or if there is no such thing, what is the cheapest route to go to get customers to your website?

I think that the best is build back-links with your keywords in the anchor of the links. Usually you can build them posting in blogs comments but with your niche site it is a little difficult to find blogs that are related to it (they must be related). So I should write articles that link to your site and should send them to sites like (it really works).
Second I should build 2 blogs in and lenses in with this rules:
Your keywords in the title, and 3 or 4 times in the body of each article in the links to your site. The articles always related to the main theme of your site,
If you can write some good content in your site and then social-bookmark it (digg, mister wong, stumble,…) With you aren’t targeting to get people from this sites to go to your site, but you will have a back-link from a site with a very nice Pagerank so Google will notice this.
Finally, if you aren’t subscribed to webmaster tools and google analytics, subscribe your site and send the sitemap.xml. If you don’t have any, you will have to create one, because is esential for Google to index correctly your site. Have in mind that in the sitemap you can tel Google when do you want google robot to visit you next time, and you can set a frequency for each page. : In this site you can buy traffic. If you are in hurry this is an option. Here you can find a good reading to learn how to rank in msn, yahoo and google. Finally this is a powerful tool that perhaps you know. It has been created for ranking in Google playing with keywords.
I hope this tools may help you!
Good luck!

2 Responses to “How can I get free search engine marketing?”

  1. Sandra K Says:

    I think that the best is build back-links with your keywords in the anchor of the links. Usually you can build them posting in blogs comments but with your niche site it is a little difficult to find blogs that are related to it (they must be related). So I should write articles that link to your site and should send them to sites like (it really works).
    Second I should build 2 blogs in and lenses in with this rules:
    Your keywords in the title, and 3 or 4 times in the body of each article in the links to your site. The articles always related to the main theme of your site,
    If you can write some good content in your site and then social-bookmark it (digg, mister wong, stumble,…) With you aren’t targeting to get people from this sites to go to your site, but you will have a back-link from a site with a very nice Pagerank so Google will notice this.
    Finally, if you aren’t subscribed to webmaster tools and google analytics, subscribe your site and send the sitemap.xml. If you don’t have any, you will have to create one, because is esential for Google to index correctly your site. Have in mind that in the sitemap you can tel Google when do you want google robot to visit you next time, and you can set a frequency for each page. : In this site you can buy traffic. If you are in hurry this is an option. Here you can find a good reading to learn how to rank in msn, yahoo and google. Finally this is a powerful tool that perhaps you know. It has been created for ranking in Google playing with keywords.
    I hope this tools may help you!
    Good luck!
    References :

  2. Sma M Says:

    There are many websites where you can advertise your website for free, improve your search engine rankings and get more traffic. Send an email with a writeup to to get free advertising and one way links.
    References :

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