Aug 03

Please let me know about google+ main impact in social media marketing and can it increase ranking of the website and brand visibility in search engines.

Google+ just came out with the new iPhone App and is putting in the foundation for a great Social Network. I wouldn’t discredit them for coming into the market so late, be patient they will slowly take the tide of lazy facebook users and eventually their entire friend base over to Google+. Check out my review site of their new iPhone.

8 Responses to “Do you think Google+ make good impact in Social media marketing and increase the search visibility ?”

  1. nary Kent Says:

    sure ,make a good impact.
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  2. Harish Dhyani Says:

    Google + is. crap …. not even better than orkut hell dont even think to comp. With fb
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  3. OM Says:

    Depends on your advertisement’s listing priority. It has visibility. Also depends how you phrase it to list on top.
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  4. Blake Dezi Says:

    Yes it does make a good impact in social media marketing. As long as you have a great content and you know the flow. Then it’s good.
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  5. Dexter Says:

    I think since it is Google’s own product, Google plus may give a heavier weight than the other social media sites on search visibility.
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  6. Kerry McLellan Says:

    Hi there!!

    Google+ is very new everyone is still learning how to use it and how to make use of it, however i must make you aware that google+ does not permit business pages as yet and if you are seen to be promoting a business as a page or through a personal account they will remove you. check out the link as to why

    However if you are looking to expand your brand, create a buzz about it online and increase your traffic leads and levels to your website there is a fantastic company i know that can do this for you at a great price.

    good luck!!!

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  7. Ryan Says:

    Google+ just came out with the new iPhone App and is putting in the foundation for a great Social Network. I wouldn’t discredit them for coming into the market so late, be patient they will slowly take the tide of lazy facebook users and eventually their entire friend base over to Google+. Check out my review site of their new iPhone.
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  8. Subash Ets Says:

    Yes, Google plus can turn into a powerful marketing tool. Since, most of the people are hooked up with social network; it is a best platform for promoting the products. If you need any tips to manage or design social network, visit…
    References :

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