Aug 30

Barkley, an independent marketing agency, has released findings from a study of the Millennial Generation. Based on a survey of more than 5,000 respondents and 4 million data points, the study provides insights on a range of digital and social media habits of American Millennials. Among its conclusions are a greater awareness of cause marketing campaigns, such as Dove’s Campaign for Real Beauty and Gap RED. The survey was conducted in partnership with the Service Management Group and the Boston Consulting Group.

Warren Wilson College in North Carolina has been ranked number four among the top 100 greenest colleges by Sierra magazine. The private, 900-student school was cited for its vegetarian and vegan cafeteria; the EcoDorm, the first platinum LEED certified residence hall in the country; and its commitment to wind power. Warren Wilson College raised its ranking from number 14 in last year’s survey.

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