Jun 14

For many marketers and businesspeople, even those who recognise its importance for their internet strategy, SEO remains a mysterious area.
Join now to get free access to tips, advice and know how from the world’s top business experts – direct from your desktop. There are hundreds of shows like the one you’ve just seen. Tap into the combined experience of dozens of world leading experts and thousands of other business people. There are also low risk, results based options if you’re looking for more help. Sign up today. To find out more and to join yourBusinessChannel go to http://www.ybc.tv

Duration : 0:5:24

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Jun 10

Ryonet’s new Internet Marketing Workshop is now available online as a part of our special business training package. http://www.silkscreeningsupplies.com/product/DVDBIZPK

We are in a new, ever changing economy. You have the choice to let it change around you or help change it! This powerful business training package covers the essentials of business and unlocks the mysteries of successful online marketing. Filmed in front of a audience you’ll even get the answers to the questions real screen printers and business owners ask.

Ryonet’s SEO strategy taught in this DVD has brought our company’s website to the top of Google in a matter of weeks. Their SEO strategy is pure success. Google us at “Screen Printing MA” and let the world biggest search engine tell the success story.
— Eric Sarao , Screen Printing MA

Internet Marketing for Apparel Decorators


Introduction to Internet Marketing: what you don’t know.

SEO: What you need to know about Search Engine Optimization.

How to find what customers are looking for.

Writing a creative, online marketing copy.

Implementing website structure and design.

Tools: eCommerce options & solutions.

The Business of Screen Printing DVD.
It is the “business” of screen printing that determines if your screen printing venture is successful! Sometimes we put so much emphasis on the mechanics of the screen printing process, that we forget how important screen printing business training is. (Introduction and business background which covers the importance of “business” competence and the amazing potential of the screen printing industry.)


Structuring and setting up your business for success

The importance of incorporating.

Choosing your corporate structure.

Setting bank accounts and net 30 accounts.

Merchant account and payment options.

Websites and Ecommerce.

The Screen Printing Business Process

Finding and defining your market or markets.

Sales and Marking Lead generation, cold calling, qualification questions, finding decision makers.

Pricing All About Garments, types of apparel, wholesale options, customized apparel, your markup. (Pre-Press, Artwork/Clipart, Screen Setup, Ink Costs, Production Costs.)

Creating a job proposal and customer estimate.

Organization and job records.

Final proof before production: Production Organization, job tracking notes and job folder. Collecting customer payments and billing customers. Follow up and customer referral programs.

The Keys to Becoming a Successful Entrepreneur.

About the Speakers
Ryan Moor, president and founder of Ryonet. Ryan started Ryonet a little over 5 years ago, since then Ryonet has grown from Ryan in his bedroom, to a prominent national screen printing supplier. Ryan understands the workings of business because he’s grown several a very successful multi million dollar a year corporations that all started at home with very little investment. Ryan’s knowledge in business and motivating speaking style will be sure to get you revved up and excited about the possibilities of your screen printing business and set you on the right path to success.
Niki Stephan joined Ryonet after a progressive career in Corporate finance and marketing, operations management, and sales productivity. An outgoing and creative leader, her accomplishments have been put to use with Ryonet’s e-commerce tools, seminars, trade shows, and product management and development, including Ryonet’s expansion into custom Rhinestone kits, “Bling !t”.

Duration : 0:0:55

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Jun 07

http://MindProtein.com – “5 Tips for SEO Friendly Blogging, Social Media and Blogging, Developing a Social Media Strategy”

Ralph Plumb and Konrad Sopielnikow discuss cutting edge strategies on business development, social media marketing, blogging, and using virtual assistants in the process.

Check out http://MindProtein.com for more business and marketing info!

Duration : 0:8:3

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Jun 04

Check out this link building technique created by the team at AusmedOnline.com that integrates a link building and link baiting to create the ultimate SEO strategy.

The association of Nurses in Australia now requires every nurse to track their continued professional development hours. In response to this need, Ausmed created their CPD Organiser, a free tool for their members to keep track of goals, activities and hours.

Here’s where the genius comes in. The tool includes a badge nurses can add to their websites, blogs, Facebook, etc. Watch this video to see how they incorporated a brilliant link building strategy that generates a backlink with every badge installed on a 3rd party website. It’s link bait, but also a great link building strategy.

Produced by SEO Expert Steve Wiideman.

Duration : 0:5:17

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May 31

It is important for attorneys and law firms to understand that after you have selected a Web Development company and have a law firm website the work doesn’t stop there. Just having an attorney website is only part of the greater Web Presence Strategy. To be successful your law firms Web Presence Strategy must include ongoing SEO/SEM, Online Marketing Social Networking and Web Analytics.

SEO/SEM, Online Marketing and Social Networking are ongoing processes that continue long after your law firms website is developed and includes research, continual testing and measuring. Tracking the efforts of SEO/SEM, Online Marketing and Social Networking is essential to a successful Web Presence Strategy.

Web Analytics is essential to a successful law firm or attorney website. Web Analytics track the visitors to your law firms website, how potential clients find your law firms website, what potential clients looked at on your website and how long they stayed on your law firms website. Through Web Analytics your Web Development Company is able to track nearly every aspect of your Web Presence Strategy for a successful ROI.

Beware of Pay for Performance business models offered by some Online Marketing companies. Pay for Performance can produce results up front, but usually tapper off quickly and cost the client more in the long run with less ROI.

Are you a lawyer looking for MCLE CLE credits? This CLE video clip is part of the CLE online video entitled Due Diligence when Selecting a Web Development Firm”, offered by AttorneyCredits.com. Attorneys interested in CLE credit for their continuing legal education requirements can go to AttorneyCredits.com to view their extensive list of educational and interesting MCLE CLE credit courses.

Duration : 0:3:59

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May 28

We help companies increase their brand awareness while furthering their philanthropic efforts with our
Blog for a Blog, Blog for a Cause Program

How the Blog for a Blog, Blog for a Cause Program Works
For each annual Social Media Marketing or Search Engine Optimization Package contracted, RoryMartin.com will:

* Create a separate or integrated Blog for the company to showcase their philanthropic efforts, or the cause of their choice, including the development of search engine optimized content that is posted to the blog on a regular basis, or,

* Enable the company to gift the Blog program to the philanthropic organization of their choice, helping the organization spread the word about their organization and the work they do.

Call today: 206.355.0894
For FREE consultation, please fill out a FREE estimate form .

Learn More About Our Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Optimization Programs:

Blog Creation and Management
Our Social Media Profile Creation and Management programs are also included as part of the “Blog for a Blog,
Blog for a Cause” program. By delivering fresh, compelling, keyword-rich content, we will bring customers and prospects back to your site on a regular basis, helping increase awareness for your business.

Blog Services include:

* Blog strategy
* On- or off-site Blog set-up
* Blog content creation
* Blog Search Engine Optimization (SEO)
* Blog monitoring, reporting, and ongoing maintenance

Social Media Profile Creation and Management
We’ll do the same for our Social Media Marketing posts and services. Again for every post we’ll match that post for free on Twitter and Facebook as well as many others for your “cause of choice”.

From social networks like Facebook and LinkedIn to micro-blogging sites like Twitter, RoryMartin.com can help you build and manage your company or product profile online. We will partner with you create innovative content that inspires your target prospects and customers to connect with your organization. We will help your company build a loyal group of followers who are waiting to hear from you.

Profile Services include:

* Profile, site participation strategy
* Profile set-up and maintenance
* Content development and maintenance
* Reporting

Search Engine Optimization is one of the most effective ways to increase targeted traffic to your web site. At RoryMartin.com, we put our Seattle Search Engine Optimization experts to work to research your target audience, determine what keywords they are searching on, and then make sure, through proven search engine optimization tactics, that your web site is the one they find.

From a one-time site analysis to full search engine optimization strategy and execution, RoryMartin.com can help meet the SEO needs of any size organization or budget.

Seattle Search Engine Optimization Services include:

* SEO Site Review and Recommendation
* SEO Strategy Development and Execution
* Keyword and Competitive Research
* Keyword-Rich Copywriting
* Search Engine Submission Management
* SEO Reporting
* Link Building Strategy and Execution

Call today: 206.355.0894
For FREE consultation, please fill out a FREE estimate form .

Duration : 0:5:53

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May 25

In June 2010, Imagination and Arch Chemicals launched a redesign of http://www.POOLLifeMag.com to improve the site’s usability. New navigation bars, a “Where to Buy” section and improved search functionality allow users to easily navigate the site and find local dealers to purchase products. Check out http://www.Imaginepub.com to learn more about Imagination’s projects.

For business inquiries, contact Erin Slater, VP of Business Development, at eslater@imaginepub.com

Duration : 0:3:11

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May 20

http://www.webdevelopmentandseo.co.uk – Search Engine Optimisation Expert for NFS Hospitality. We cover SEO techniques that will increase your website search engine rankings. Our approach for search engine optimisation to achieve organic search results involves KEYWORD RESEARCH, COMPETITION RESEARCH and ANALYSIS, ONPAGE OPTIMISATION – Meta tags, header tags, keyword density, URLs, site maps, xml site maps, google webmaster tools, and OFFSITE OPTIMISATION involving link development, directory submission, local directories, online yellow pages, one-way links, two-way links, three-way links, article submission, rss feed distribution, blog submission, and online press release optimisation. We also provide SOCIAL MEDIA MARKETING, TWITTER MARKETING and ARTICLE MARKETING SERVICES

Duration : 0:1:8

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May 16

Learn how in-house SEO strategy and in-house Social Media marketing is being accomplished at ABCNews.com.

Read the full blog post at:

Bob Tripathi: That’s a great point. The next question I want to ask you about is social media. Everyone is doing social media in some shape or form. News sites can really leverage social media and I’ve seen some folks do it. But at ABC News, how are you approaching social media and what are your visions or your plans to integrate social media, search and all of that stuff?

Eleanor Hong: Social media is definitely important and it’s changing the landscape for a lot of media sites. We’re seeing that Facebook now is one the most important sites to share news stories and to share video. It’s probably catching up, if not having caught up, with Google News. I think a lot of media sites, for our site we’re having an editorial group called “Audience Growth and Development”, so we’re tasked to really help drive traffic through search and social media and linkage and link partners. For us, we have to look at our Facebook and Twitter strategies on a daily level with editorial. A lot of our digital journalists are just so great. They already have an understanding of social media because they use it themselves. They also use social media to help with finding sources.

For ABC News, it’s aligning the business goals with the social media strategies. That can come from just a working relationship with editorial and marketing. So we have our flagship shows like Good Morning America and World News. World News with Diane Sawyer has a Facebook and fans. Good Morning America has over a million Twitter followers. It’s just really bringing them the content they’re interested in off of those programs, that’s one example. We also have our ABCnews.com verticals: again, technology, travel and business. Using those natural or conventional news categories each producer… Again I have a social media editor who’s just so great, she helps with really owning and maintaining the ABC News accounts for Facebook and Twitter, and putting out what’s out there and what’s important and really engaging with out fans in terms of “this is the news of the moment”. She is also coming up with Facebook quizzes to really engage and interact with the followers because it’s not just a promo tool. I think that’s the misinterpretation of social media is that Facebook and Twitter is a promo tool, and it’s not. It’s community. It community building, it is engagement, it’s really brining them what they’re looking for.

As you know with Facebook and the friends and the followers, they know and they will respond if something’s skewed or something’s wrong or something’s off. They’re going to be vocal about it. It’s important to engage and understand who your fans are and to provide them the content that they’re looking for. It’s great for us, as a news site, because we can provide a funny video or an oddity, a medical mystery or marvel type of story, or a video of a crash, developing news or even breaking news. Instead of just email alerts of breaking news, we’ve moved on to social media tools. You see now, more and more journalists using social media to really get a pulse on what’s developing. I think it’s definitely changing the landscape. But I think old principals apply, whether they are journalism or SEO, just applying over to the social media platform.

Duration : 0:10:37

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May 12

ABCNews.com is one of the leading websites and television channels in the country. ABCNews.com maintain many web site properties and ensuring SEO is part of the development process is a huge task. Eleanor Hong of ABCNews.com shares some insights and how she gets SEO done working at one of the biggest web site.
Learn how to check daily news and keyword trends and then integrate that as part of daily SEO process.
Read the full blog post at:

Bob Tripathi: One of the points you bring up, and I think it’s very important for us on the outside, is when a news story breaks out. How do you insert your keywords? I would assume, let’s say there was a fire in California, how do you put the relevant keywords in right away and get the story out? What’s your process like?

Eleanor Hong: I was on the panel and I just spoke about making the most out of daily trends. In terms of SEO, it’s important to look at what’s trending now. So for news, if there’s a developing story or breaking news, likely you’re going to see some uptick in what readers are looking for online to get to that news. Reuters had a really interesting report last year saying that now more readers are getting their news outside of traditional mediums and definitely they are looking online. Likely, they’re going to look through the portals like Yahoo News or Google News, or Google or Yahoo or Bing to get to the story. Where if they hear something on TV, maybe it’s a breaking news moment on TV across the different broadcasts, then if they’re in the office they’re likely to look it up online.

In terms of making sure you have the right keywords; again, as the in-house SEO and if you have the team, just keeping your pulse on what’s trending. We have a great staff and even our writers have picked up on the evangelism and they will actually go within their industry and verticals to look at what’s trending there; so, what’s trending in technology or what’s trending in travel. For breaking news, I would say we lean on Yahoo News or Google News to see what’s pulsating, what’s really bubbling. Likely, for a lot of news agencies, they have their own editorial staff, their breaking news or domestic news distribution list. So it’s likely they’re on it or they heard from an affiliate or they have a reporter who’s assigned to it. I think what’s really great in terms of search and social media is to really support them and provide them what’s trending on the web. So, the California race car crash, location is key. And that’s important across search because everyone’s looking at geo-locations, how many people died, and the development of that story. We’re able, as the in-house SEOs, to really look and at the different articles, and looking at the different sources. [Not only] because in journalism you always want to check your sources, but to provide “Mojave dessert” is a trending keyword, “California”, the “race car crash”, “eight people killed”. We can provide that to the writer, and hopefully the writer is versed enough in doing digital journalism, to really look that up for themselves as well. That’s how those keywords, and you have a certain amount of time where those keywords rise and fall, really help develop that story.

Duration : 0:8:53

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