May 28

For more visit A demo of the Drupal Keyword Research module. Show how to do keyword reserach, create and organize site keywords and page keywords. Using the keyword research module can help improve your site’s search engine optimization (SEO).

For more information check out the module download page:

Duration : 0:11:14

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May 25

In the last video, we showed you how to determine if you’re in the right market, how to find your most profitable keywords, and how to do some “sneaky” research using Clickbank.

Today we’ll show you our keyword lists, the market analysis, and start uploading our campaigns in Google AdWords, Yahoo Overture (Search Marketing), and MSN AdCenter.

Watch over our shoulders as we do this and talk about everything.

Due to the YouTube limitations, these videos are part of a 2 part series. This video is part 1 of 2. Be sure to watch all the videos! You can download all the videos at

Duration : 0:5:54

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May 20

Small businesses need to identify what their products and services are, and then translate them into a list of one to three-word identifiable phrases.
They should then analyze those phrases with a tool like Google AdWords Keyword Tool. The Keyword Tool will highlight popular phrases—and show related keyword phrases that they might have missed when they made their list.
They should then distill their list into the key phrases that best represent their company’s offerings and are consistent with what their target audience would use in searches.
Finally, the keyword list should be translated into the website structure. That includes navigation, sections and pages, and the URL naming convention. Individual pages should include one or more keyword phrases in the page title, headings, and the body copy.
It’s crucial to optimize site content before you start any Internet marketing campaign. Optimized content should always come before efforts like link building or pay-per-click (PPC) advertising. Otherwise, regardless of your marketing efforts, search engines may find the content of your site irrelevant to the keywords you need to rank for, and AdWords may lower your quality score.

May 20 A great tool for keyword research and tracking of your competitors’ keywords. It helps you to identify what market hole for you to dominate.

Duration : 0:2:36

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May 16

Go To: – Does Your Keyword Research Tool Only Give You A HUGE List Of Keywords… Without Telling You Which Ones Are Money-Makers And Which Ones Are BIG LOSERS?

If You’re Battling To Write Content For Your Web Sites, And You Haven’t Got The First Clue About What Keywords To Use That Will Get You Ranked Highly In The Search Engines….AND Bring You In Most Money …

….Then This Is Going To Totally Transform Your Business, Like Nothing Else You’ve Seen Before.

You’re About To Discover the ONLY Keyword Research Tool That Uses A Secret Algorithm To Give You The Exact Keywords You Need To Build Content Around For Your Sites…. AND…. Bring You In the Big Money!

Download Money Keyword Finder Today… For FREE!
Go TO:

Duration : 0:2:6

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May 12

There is update for a snippet preview. It has always been my goal to make content SEO as easy as can be, and to make people writing content perform the necessary actions instead of someone else fixing up after them. Good SEO for a site consists of set of technical requirements, a good site structure and then the most important thing: well optimized content. Preferably lots of it. Today, by releasing the Linkdex Page Analysis integration into my WordPress SEO plugin, we’ve come one step closer to that goal of making Content SEO easy…

May 12

Hi All

I am researching seo prices – but dont want to approach any seo companies just yet…

Can anyone outline typical prices for an seo campaign…By this I mean the market average for "keyword analysis + setup" and the monthly retainer (I assume all seo companies will want a per month fee onwards to keep writing articles/blogs etc..)

I know it will vary, but I am talking about a medium sized business on a moderately competitive keyword…nothing silly like "car insurance" or "mortgage"….


for all your seo needs…please visit the site

you will find attractive seo packages and with quality satisfaction..

May 12

I have research reports covering 4800 U.S. stocks each 13-pages long which are updated daily. This can be done because these are quantitative analysis reports, and it’s a template with only figures and certain keywords changing. This also means translation into other languages is easier. U.S. stock market is by far the biggest in the world and therefore Europeans, Chinese, Japanese, Latin Americans etc have interest in U.S. stocks. So I am looking to approach owners of stocksites or newspaper sites in other countries for the people in those countries who are interested in U.S. stocks, to sell or syndicated my reports. For example, Chinese language newspapers in Chinatowns in USA whose readers play the U.S. market. Thanks in advance for ny leads or info you can help with.

For trading Visit

May 12 – A very quick tip on reviewing the number of Google Adwords advertisers to determine the whether your keywords are in a niche or market where people are spending money to buy products or services. The number of Google Adwords advertisers can be used to perform super quick SEO competition analysis. Find out more at

Duration : 0:3:56

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May 10

suppose a company wants to know what people or it’s customer think about their service, so they ask a researching firm to do that for them. now the research company make their analysis and prepare to questionnaire and will give the project to somebody(A) they trust to 1.find people and then the interview whether trough phone or face to face interview. I want to know whether there is a name for the job the person A is doing..? if I want to know more about this job, what keywords should I type in Google search?

sounds like what i do. market research, phone interviewer. we pay people to give their oppinions or test a product. we never sell anything.