Check out this link building technique created by the team at that integrates a link building and link baiting to create the ultimate SEO strategy.
The association of Nurses in Australia now requires every nurse to track their continued professional development hours. In response to this need, Ausmed created their CPD Organiser, a free tool for their members to keep track of goals, activities and hours.
Here’s where the genius comes in. The tool includes a badge nurses can add to their websites, blogs, Facebook, etc. Watch this video to see how they incorporated a brilliant link building strategy that generates a backlink with every badge installed on a 3rd party website. It’s link bait, but also a great link building strategy.
Produced by SEO Expert Steve Wiideman.
Duration : 0:5:17
[youtube cDTtCUGScY8]
June 4th, 2011 at 1:02 am
Thanks! Your videos …
Thanks! Your videos were helpful. If you are interested, I made a video inresponse to Googles recent changes.